
Does anyone know about The Church of Nazarene? U.K only please?

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is it Christian fundementalist or right-wing evangelist?




  1. Good question, i would love to know too!!

  2. Liberal not. I would consider the ESV a better choice than NIV,

    Nazarene tend to be conservative holiness on the side of Arminianism emphasizing free will as opposed to a more Calvinist view or Reformed Views.  James Dobson for example of focus on the family is a Nazarene.

    In the US they often like their electric guitars and go for lively music.

    Right wing is a bit 1 dimensional of a description.

    Christian fundamentalist is a bit of a wooden literalist description.  Not sure either fit that well.

    (NY here)

  3. Here is there website at your own risk

  4. In the US its liberal.  They use the NIV in church and don't follow the whole counsel of God.  Google them and see if they have a website in the UK.  I didn't know they had a church in the UK, but their website will tell you what they believe.


    Whirling, at my former church, which was a Nazarene one, they were liberal in their teachings, they used the NIV instead of the KJV, allowed woman pastors, which 1 Timothy forbids and taught a salvation by works doctrine, all of which is not doctrinally sound.

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