
Does anyone know about a new type of diesel fuel that is alot cheaper?

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Does anyone know about a new type of diesel fuel that is alot cheaper?




  1. you can use sunflower or rapeseed oil mixed with diesel but will have to work out what % to use also check that your fuel pump & injectors are up to the job I have known 30% oil to 70% diesel to work, to much oil can stall an engine no matter what speed you are doing "thats fun " also these oils leave solids behind when burned and can clog up an engine so rotating mix and neat diesel helps clean out cylinders \ rings & valves. Depending which country you are in it could be breaking there fuel tax laws.

  2. With current economic trend, slump and recession nothing is going to be cheap

  3. what you might have heard about is people converting diesel engines to burn waste cooking oil/lard/grease.Many transit lines are using this for the city buses the exhaust gives of a funky french fry smell and that is a lot cheaper than refined diesel

  4. I understand that diesel is more expensive primarily due to tax, not that it costs more to produce. I believe the idea was that large trucks burn diesel, so the government charges a higher tax that was ment to maintain the roads.

    I could be wrong, but I thought it actually required less energy to refine diesel than gasoline. Would be interested in learning more.

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