
Does anyone know about adotion?

by  |  earlier

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i want to have a baby but i would have to adopt so i need info on it any clues at all would be apreciated.




  1. Gosh do I know about adoption! I am adopted myself. first off I just want to say that you are a wondrful person for doing this. You have no clue how much you are going to change some childs life. You will need to take adoption classes and get certified. They wil also need to do background checks...ect on you, and check out your house.

    Go to this website and you can look for agencies in your state and even agencies who specialize in adopting infants. If you want to talk more about it...feel free to email me.

  2. My favorite adoption site is not sure what kind of baby info you'll get though. mostly older kids.

  3. First off you can put adoption in any search engine and you will get loads of info., next best option would be either contacting your human services for your city or in the phone book contacting a local agency (under adoption or foster care) there are actually many ways to go about this, but we started out as foster parents through a local company and ended adopting the children we were fostering.  Anyway, a phone call will get you started and they will tell you how you need to register, interview and any classes, certifiations etc.. you will need.  good luck.

  4. My sister can't have children so her and her husband adopted 4 babies (not at once). It took them a lot of time and money.

    She went through Catholic Social Services.

    God Bless you and hopefully you find all the info you need.

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