
Does anyone know about beverage delivery?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is blind and has physical limitations from a motorcycle accident. He absolutely loves diet pepsi, but when I am not at his house he can not get the top off the two liters and he cant open the tops of the cans. His family lives close by but they have got things they have to do like jobs and familys theirselves they always do as much as they possibly can! They are wonderful. But I was wondering if there was possibly anyway diet pepsi company that would deliver a drink system to the house if we payed for it and if so how do we get a hold of it?




  1. Have been in the food & beverage business for 30 years. I would suggest calling the local Pepsi distributer in your area and see if they would lease or sell you a soft Beverage Premix unit. Than you could buy Diet Premix canisters directly from them as needed.

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