
Does anyone know about bonding using your birth certificate as a surety?

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I know a few poeple who "set-off" mortgages, bills etc, using bondd through a U.S Treasury trust. They say that "paying" in cash, will never eliminate debt as our dollars are simply debt instruments. Example, when a bank gives you a "loan" it goes on thier books as an "assest". Our signature created the "assest", yet banks ask for "payment" via debt instruments ei. dollars. Can anyone shed some light?




  1. You can't use your birth certificate as a surety for a bond - it can't be sold to recover anything.  That's what a surety for a bond is - something you're assigning to the insurance company, so if the bond has to be cashed in, they can recover their money somehow (like, by selling your house).

    All the rest of that mumbo jumbo is someone trying to sell you something.   Yes, money is a debt instrument.  Unless you want to go back to a monetary system where we wear seashells on a cord around our neck, to swap with other people, that's what it's going to be.

    "Paying in cash will never eliminate debt".   Depends on your definitions.  For me, debt is when I have to pay interest to someone else for borrowing their money.  Paying in cash, DOES totally eliminate my definition of debt.

    If our monetary system crashes, we'll have a lot more things to worry about than debt.  Like, where is mb going to find high quality chocolate.

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