
Does anyone know about electric bill?

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How much money for random electric bill single house?

We have three bedroom. But every month we pay about $173 is that normal or is it too high?

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  1. That to me, is way high But if you have air conditioning, that is

    one of the biggest users, and will explain it, and let you know it

    is only temporary, as summer is almost over. If you do not have

    A.C. then something is wrong and the elec. co. will come out to

    your house for free and do a check to help you find out whats using

    up and turning  the meter so quickly. All you have to do is call them!

    The other factors may be an elec. dryer running too long, leaving high

    watts lights on constantly...etc.

    Anyway, hope this helps!     Good Luck!  

  2. There are allot of variables but that seems like allot I live in a 3 bedroom home and use a window unit to cool (which is expensive) and we pay about 100-120.

  3. call up your hydro company

  4. Without air we normally pay 200 - 300 a month (oil heat & hot water but a well for water). We have about 2800 sq feet, 11 rooms, teen and p*****n. Your bill sounds like alot to me but I do hang clothes on the clothesline, we try to shut off lights although where the computers are look like Christmas at nighttime when they are shut off but not completely shut down (irks me).  We have alot of those spiral light bulbs, try to only run the dishwasher once a day with no heat drying (just open the door and let them sit overnight). I know we should cut our showers down but there's just some things that aren't going to happen :) There's alot you can do to bring it down....

  5. This is too difficult to answer because every state/city are served by different electric companies. I pay more for a KW hr. than a city 10 miles away from me. I pay less than that but I am single and cheap... ah... frugal.

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