
Does anyone know about free energy? to build a motor that actually runs off itself?..we figured it out?

by  |  earlier

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this motor is more then 100% efficient and actually will never run out of will run for hundreds of years,and will run off itself,this is the new free energy!!it actually was figured out years ago and was purposely kept a secret...because of oil, gas and electric companys..lets see if you figured it out too?..i will tell you if you are right...!!!We will no longer be slaves of high prices!! also can convert your cars to run this way!!...easy to do.




  1. If it is as easy as you say then post a link.

    otherwise quit ranting

  2. if you use a compressed air tank to start and electric motor, then have alternators at each wheel with a big storage capasitor running through a battery to give you a steady voltage you can use air to start your car, and as the wheels turn you will produce your own energy to run the car, you will have to replaces the brushes in the alternators as often as you replace brake pads now, and you will have to fill your car up with compresed air from time to time, you put quad alternators on each wheel you can run the cylinders independantly and in lower gears actually use less energy, all running through the same capasitor....the problem is sitting idel in traffic, but given the right capasitor that is no problem either.............when you make this car send me my check for a million

  3. No, that is physically impossible as it violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics.  Free energy cultists seem to have the idea that magnetic fields can actually do work, but in reality the only work you will ever get out of one is energy that you put in, making it a way to use up, not to produce, energy.

    There have been no successful free energy idea, just many many failures that people continue to suggest today despite the fact they are demonstratively wrong.  Nikola Tesla did not come up with a free energy device.  Stanley Miller did not come up with a free energy device.  Magnetic devices have been suggested and failed since at least the 1600's.  If such a device ever were invented, the inventor would become a millionaire, and if it were easy it couldn't be covered up!

    Get over it!

  4. its a law of physics you cant create or destroy energy  (except god)

  5. I figured it out years ago as well.  It's a scam.

  6. This is a well known scam.  This scheme violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and is physically impossible.  If you still feel like spending your money, send it to your favorite charity rather than the scam artist.

  7. OK, you got my attention. So where, what is this free energy? You got us all hyped and didn't give us any info. What's the source, what's the process?

    Aw, I think you're just pulling our leg.

  8. i dont know but i think free energy or a way to have free energy was discovered originally by Nikola Tesla but his works were destroyed by Thomas Edison and kept a secret like you said, for oil, gas, electric companies, etc.

  9. Welcome to the club. Look up Hamel, John Searl, E V Gray, and T Henry Moray. Taking energy out of the zero point has been accomplished in a number of ways. But beware: You won't be allowed to make money off of it. You'll be jailed, and your technology will be taken. Your only hope is to put the information out there on the Net, and encourage others to build their own Proof of Concept. If enough people have the technology, 'they' can't pick on you anymore.

  10. You are full of it. There is no engine like that not on this planet. Friction will not allow it you will lose energy to heat like they said, the thermodynamics won't allow it. I have heard of this idea being put to use in space but I am not sure if that is even true

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