
Does anyone know about gas meter reading jobs??

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Hi I recently applied for a gas meter reading position and I'm interested about the job. how much work is it? what happens when a household has a dog in the area that you need to get in? will the company cover you if a work related injury occurs?

My mom doesn't think I should do a meter reading because of a high crime area or abandoned houses......But somebody's got to do it plus I would make twice as much than Im making at my job now and I would get in shape!




  1. In my area- yeah, its a lot of work, you have a lot of houses to get to, and walk most of the way.  When there is a dog in an area where you need to get to the meter, you dont go in.  The homeowner just gets an estimated reading for the month, and a note that you couldnt read the meter due to a dog being out.  Happens all the time.  The only time it is a problem for you is when you dont see the dog that is out there waiting for you :)

    Lastly- I hope you arent considering this as a long term career option.  Many towns and utilities are rolling out meters that automatically report back what the reading is, without any human going to actually see the meter.  This electronic reporting is eliminating a whole lot of meter reader jobs, and eventually, there will be very, ver few of them left (if any).  So your days will be numbered, right from the start, although it could be 10 years before it happens in your area (or it could be next year- hard to tell).

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