
Does anyone know about how much it would cost?

by  |  earlier

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for my husband to adopt my youngest two children?

My ex is completely alright with this (not exactly for the most noble reasons, but then again if he was more noble my current husband adopting them would not be an issue) and is willing to pay half.




  1. nothing. You might have to a fee for paperwork. My husband adopted my twins and it was $100.00 to file the paperwork but that's it. We went through the town hall depeart of probate court.

    I was surprised at the process though. You would think we were both adopting two kids. They investigated both of us even though I am already their mom. We both had to do a drug test, health assesments, give income info and housing info (how many bedrooms we have and so forth). Criminal background checks, etc...I felt more like we had been reported and were being investigated LOL we also had to have an interview with the judge.

    Of course it all worked out  and my husband is now legally their father. The adoption was final on their 7th they are 13.

    EDIT: 3 thumbs down...FOR WHAT? For stating facts of my own experience?

    If you go through probate court (usually located throug the town hall) then all you pay is a fee to file the papers. You only pay a lot when you go through a lawyer because you also are paying for the lawyer.

    Another thing to remember is, you ONLY have to have a hearing in court if the father is contesting it and you said he's not. That means there won't be a court hearing therfore you only need to fill out all the paperwork and file it.

    it would help to know where you live.

  2. I don't know the answer to your question. But i just wanted to point out that  a lot of thumbs down will be generated by some folks here, trolling but not necessarily answering, that cringe at the mere mention of cost or money.

    These folks have a hard time distinguishing the difference between costs for services provided and profit.

  3. I guess you would have to seek legal advice for this.Good luck. :)

  4. I give luvmy4boyz32 a thumbs up, she knows whats she's talking about!

  5. Some states allow you to handle the adoption yourself, and others do not.  Call an adoption attorney or look at and talk with other parents or google step parent adoption for your state.  Here it is about $3000 with an attorney.

    FYI:  It may be that you got thumbs down because of your statement:  "(not exactly for the most noble reasons, but then again if he was more noble my current husband adopting them would not be an issue)".  I personally don't like it when parents put down the other parent for any reason.  That usually means the same attitude is passed down to the child, which then becomes a part of their self-identification.  It is just not right.

  6. $6 each.

  7. My husband's cousin adopted her sister's child after she passed, so I asked her if there were fees involved. She said that in MA they needed an attorney and the the fees to file the paperwork, so it came to around $500. I don't think that an attorney is required in every state (as shown in a previous answer) but I would check to make sure about your state.

    Also - ignore all of the thumbs down. Your answer was great.

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