
Does anyone know about the Bohemian Grove and if its true that former presidents are members????

by  |  earlier

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look at or go to youtube and look up bohemian grove if you have no idea what it is.




  1. The Bohemian Grove is a wooded area and meeting site north of San Francisco on the Marin Peninsula. Several business leaders and captains of industry gather there each year. Presidents have been invited to these gatherings and several have accepted the invitation to attend.

    A similar gathering is also held in the southeast corner of South Carolina each year in the Hilton Head area. It's called the Renaissance Weekend.  I also know about youtube. But, most of the self-produced videos on that site are like cotton candy: ninety percent fluff and air.

  2. yes its true....... and its a scary thing...

  3. Video tape does not lie, and neither do pictures, it is all true! Go Alex Jones!

  4. Yes I'm educated about there 3000 acre retreat in It is evidence we are slack in our fight for our liberty. This and related subjects have got to become the fuel to swell the ranks of the new world order protesters. I'm glad you had the courage to speak about these activities.

  5. I first believed it was just a place for the elite to have fun, boy was I wrong! When you put together Bilderburgers, Fema camps,chemtrails, biometric implants and New World Order together it sounds like a Steven King novel.  It makes a terrifying future for us, unless we do everything to stop it.

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