
Does anyone know about the Medicine Man?

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I went out to dinner last night with an old friend and I was introduced to a new way of healing. Apparently it's Infinite Love and Gratitude. I guess we all have energy blockage in our bodies and to release this energy, you make the universal sign for love and tap it against your body a couple of times saying, infinite love and gratitude. Is this legit or is this a brain washer?




  1. A little of it of both. u must have a lot of faith.  

  2. I don't know the Medicine Man, but I know the Muffin Man!

    I guess I'm wondering how this "energy blockage" problem has escaped the thousands & thousands of doctors, scientists and researchers who have been studying cancer, diabetes, heart disease, AIDS, and all the other ailments mankind suffers. Doesn't make sense to me.  

  3. Next time you're sick try it. Don't you think this would be universally known if it was true?

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