
Does anyone know about the motoring offence ' causing or permitting'?

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Does anyone know about the motoring offence ' causing or permitting'?




  1. Causing or permitting what?

  2. If you let someone else commit an offence in your car, you get the same as if you had been driving it.

  3. no sorry

  4. This falls under the heading of 'use cause and permit'.  This applies to certain offences such as permitting no insurance, vehicle defects, taking without owners consent etc.

    Example 1:

    If you allow a driver who has no insurance to use your vehicle, knowing that they have no insurance, then you commit the offence of permitting them to drive with no insurance.  You will then be liable to the same penalties as the driver.

    Example 2:

    If an employee who is a delivery driver notes a defect on their employers vehicle and states to the employer that they won’t take the vehicle out with the defect they are within their rights to do so.  If the employer forces the employee to take the vehicle anyway knowing there is a fault with the vehicle, they are causing the vehicle to be used with a defect.

    Example 3:

    The driver is always the user regardless of any offence as its their responsibility to ensure the vehicle is road worthy and that they are qualified and insured to use it.  However, if as in the example above, the employer is allowing the use of the vehicle for their business, then they are also ‘using’ the vehicle as its for their benefit that the vehicle is ‘used’.

    I’m assuming you are referring to a specific offence?  If so, give me more information and I may be able to do the same.

    Hope this helps

  5. CCTV cameras are appearing off side streets even down small Cull DE sacs but not for your security. It is there to increase Revenue through PCN ( Penalty Notices)

    Another harassment-- Three PCNs and the government wants to Wheel Clamp the Car.. Why are we being Harassed -?. They Just want reasons for extracting money .

  6. It's Use, cause or permit.

    Imagine a company van, the driver notices it's got a bald tyre and notifies his supervisor who says, "take it out on your round like that or your fired".

    In that instance, the company is using it, the supervisor is causing it to be used.

    If the driver says he's got a fault but says to the supervisor "I'll take it out anyway", The supervisor is permitting the use.

    I've used a company car as an example, it would also apply for a private car in similar circumstances.

    In the case of company prosecutions, the driver and the company secretary/ transport manager is prosecuted.

  7. whatever the offence the person using the car commit ed ie the are driving without insurance then as the keeper of the car you will be charged with the same offence even if you were not in the car.  Hope it makes sense.

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