
Does anyone know any discounts for Copper Moutain skiing in Colorado?

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Just don't want to pay full price, so if anyone has any tricks or knows any discounts I can use, that would be very helpful!




  1. 1) Sometimes you can go into the local grocery store, I think it's Albertson's in Denver, and buy lift tickets for a discount.  At least you used to be able to.

    2) Try buying a multi-day ticket.  That can drop the per-day price quite a few bucks.  

    3) Depending on what hotel you're staying at, they might have a discounted ticket that goes with your room.  If you haven't made your room rezzies yet, go on or similar and look for places that give you a free lift ticket with your room.

    4) Unbelievably, sometimes just showing your AAA card or similar will get you a discount - so ask at the ticket window!

    5) Many ski resorts have specials, like Ladies Day (half price for women), and there are some ski resorts that will give you a half price ticket on certain days if you bring in canned food for the local food bank.  Call Copper Customer Services and ask if they'll be having any specials like that while you're there.

    6) Even if you have to pay full price, at Copper you'll have a great day on the snow!

  2. What is your profession?  Many places offer discounts based on your career (i.e: my father gets an Airline employee discount all the time for being a pilot).  Also, ticket prices are different depending on the time of year you go... in Copper Mountain the prices drop from $158 (2 day ticket from 12/22-1/14) to $112 in March (2 day ticket).  Season passes can also be a great deals depending on how often you'll be out there.  I'm not sure if Copper Mountain is included but Colorado offers a "Peaks card" which can be used at many resorts such as Breckenridge, Keystone, and Vail.  I believe you even get a discount for buying your tickets online.

    Good luck and have fun, Colorado is my favorite Vacacation spot as I get no winter in Florida!  I've skiied in Copper, Breck, Keystone, Vail, and Steamboat Springs and could not have had anymore fun!  Enjoy yourself!

    Oh, and P.S if you're bringing kids, they ski free if they are 5 years or younger!

  3. army tickets 50 bucks

    or at king soopers they are 75 adult

    at window 85

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