
Does anyone know any funny joke about Manchester United? (not rude)?

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Without any insults.

Thank you




  1. no, but i heard Butlins are the proud new sponsors of Liverpool FC because there season ends in October too.

  2. Q: How many Manchester United fans does it take to s***w in a light bulb?

    A: One to s***w the light bulb in, 100,000 to say they've been doing it for years and 1,000,000 to buy the replica shirt.

    You might have to read this a couple of times to understand it. Basically it means that very few "supporters" of Man United are actually supporters. Slight insult but nothing too bad :)

  3. How about the one where all other clubs fans are jealous of United & there fans,ha ha.

    I like that one myself.I hope your a Liverpool fan because I have tons of jokes about them.

  4. why is it that when any other team supporter pokes fun at manutd you all come back with Liverpool jokes.......pathetic!!

  5. why wasnt jesus born on mersyside?

    coz the god could not find 3 wise men & a virgin

  6. the joke im using now i cant use now but i used it 2 years a go...

    chelsea and man united are having a survey on who has got the most fans  if you would like to vote for chelsea ring 0800 (13 13 13)

    if you would liek to vote for man united ring 0900 (101010)

    you can use this joke for any team if the club u dislike has 1 nothing just use the number 1 0 10 10 10  ( one nothing )  

  7. Q.  whats the differnece beetween man utd and girls aloud

    A. Man utd have giggs

  8. No, but I know a good one about Scousers.

    A g*y man walks into a tough Liverpool pub, and approaches a big scouser sat at the bar with his pint. Having a penchant for big men, the g*y man sidles up to him and whispers "Come with me and I'll give you a bl0wjob".

    The big scouser straightens up with a roar of outrage, and belts this little g*y bloke across the room, before kicking seven colours of shite out of him and throwing him out of the door. Then he returns to his pint, still grumbling to himself.

    "Bloody h**l" says the barman, "What did he say to you?"

    "Not sure" says the scouser, "Something about giving me a job"

  9. Found some funny ones online here:

  10. i got two

    Theres a Liverpool fan in a pub drinking. 3 man utd fans decide to p**s him off. one man utd fan says to him, "i heared Carragher is a man utd fan." The Liverpool fan says "wow really thanks for telling me that." The next man utd fan thinks he can do a better job and says to him, "i heared Carraghers moving to man utd". The Liverpool fan says "wow really thanks for telling me that". The next man utd fan says, "i can do a better job than you two wankers". He goes to the liverpool fan and says "OI, Jamie Carraghers a homosexual". He simply replies, "yeah your friends have just told me."

    I got another joke here goes


  11. manchester united are holding their pre match team talk, when christiano ronaldo limps in and tells alex ferguson that he can't play unless he gets a cortisone injection, then wayne rooney turns round and says to ferguson 'if christianos getting a new car, then i want one too'

  12. they have not won as much as Liverpool


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