
Does anyone know any good acting agents?

by  |  earlier

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i looking for a list of names and contact numbers in whihc i can get in touch with them rather that going through a lot of stress getting the info from talent agencies websites.




  1. Agencies do not like phone calls.  More than likely the receptionist will hang up on you before you ever talk to an agent.  The best thing to do is mail a headshot and resume.

  2. For a UK agent, buy a copy of Contacts from Spotlight.

    Nobody will take you on unless they have seen you, but at least you have the correct address and phone number.

  3. Well I know this guy that is making a movie. Singers, Writers, Actors, Musicians, and Help is needed. You don't need any experience. I'm going to audition for it too! If you want more information just email me at

  4. Look at the ACTRA or SAG websites, depending where you live. Each has a list of certified agents.

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