
Does anyone know any good baby shower games???

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I'am hosting my sister in law's baby shower next month. I have never attended a baby shower and would love some idea of what games are played and anything else that goes on at a baby shower




  1. "My Water Broke" It's where everyone gets an ice cube and then when its completely gone you have to shout out my water broke, watch out though cause some people may squeeze them to get them to melt lol.=)

  2. Saw some great game ideas already. Here are a few more ideas and games.

    Depending the size of the shower and how familiar everyone is with each you may want to open with an Ice breaker games. Rather than list each game I will link to them.

    These baby shower games are easy and fun.

    Then everyone can settle in and socialize. During the shower you may want to have one or two action fun games. I already saw dirty diaper, guess the food, but others I found here include the Rubber Ducky race where you race the ducks in a babies bathtub and another where teams work to change the baby, baby outburst and unique Diaper or No Diaper (like Deal or no Deal). I found these games here

    Also, consider some simple trivia, word play and other paper and pen games. These really fill in the gaps and everyone can play. If you have the time to make your own go for it, otherwise I found it is easy to find on you like and print it out and go. Here are some that are ready to go.

    All in all just have fun. The main focus is the mom and as long as you do that it should be a success.


  3. 1. Tray Game - This is a simple...but fun.. game that most of us have probably played at one time or another. Place 9-10 items on a tray and pass it around the room so that everyone gets a chance to see the items. Take the tray away once everyone has seen it and then give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil to write with. Have them write down what they remember was on the tray and the one who remembers the most wins a door prize. Depending on the party you would use things pertaining to the theme as in: Baby Shower- powder, safety pins, diaper, nail trimmers, chew toys, etc.

    2. Guess the Baby Food -Buy 10 jars of strained baby food (pears, dutch apple, green beans, peas, carrots, squash, beets, etc). Write a number with a permanent black marker or something similar on top of the jar. Write the corresponding numbers on a sheet of paper and next to the number on the paper be sure you write the name of the baby food! Now you take the labels off the jars and have the guests try to guess what they are (NO tasting!). Because so many baby foods are similar in color, you can have a lot of fun with this. Pass them around and give them a paper numbered 1 to 10 to write their guess on. You can use a box or something similar to place the baby food in...but a really good idea is to buy a baby food caddy (available at most stores where you find baby items) and use it to hold the jars. It makes a great gift for the expectant mom when the shower is over.

    3. Baby Paper Doll - Give each guest a piece of paper and have them tear the shape of a baby out of the paper. Give all the paper babies to the mom-to-be and have her pick her favorite. The person that tore that one out is the winner. (Don't worry, none of the paper babies will look anything alike!)

    4. Balloon Belly - Because the star guest is usually the only one who is big (pregnant), give each one of the guests 2 minutes to try to stuff as many blown up balloons under their shirt as they could to see how big (pregnant) the star guest is. The person with the most balloons under their shirt wins.

    5. Guess the Baby Animal Name - Write 15-20 animal names on a sheet of paper and make enough copies for each guest. Have the guests write the name of the animals baby after the animal's name in 3 minutes. The one that gets the most wins the prize. Here is a sample list. There are a lot more, so be inventive:

    Goose - GOSLING

    Deer - FAWN

    Horse - FOAL

    Goat - KID

    Eagle - EAGLET

    Cow - CALF

    Lion - CUB

    Fox - KIT

    Elephant - CALF

    Dog - PUPPY

    Cat - KITTEN

    Swan - CYGNET

    Duck - DUCKLING

    Wolf - PUP or CUB

    Bear - CUB


    Moose - CALF

    Tiger - CUB

    Chicken - CHICK

    Seal - PUP

    Dolphin - CALF

    Whale - CALF

    Pigeon - SQUAB

    Sheep - LAMB

    Kangaroo - JOEY

    Fish - FRY

    Butterfly - CATERPILLAR

    Rabbit - BUNNY

    Leopard - CUB

    Pig - PIGLET

    Monkey - INFANT

    Racoon - KIT


    6. The Clothespin Game - Give each guest a clothespin when they arrive and explain the rule to them. If you say baby, or cross your legs or arms, someone who hears or sees you gets your clothespin. At the end of the shower, the person with the most clothespins is the winner.

    7. Tear the TP to fit Mommy's Belly - Pass around a row of toilet paper and have each guest tear off a piece that they think will wrap all the way around mom-to-be's belly. Have the mother-to be wrap each piece around her belly and tear off the extra and give it to the guest that it belongs to (the piece MUST fit all the around to be eligible). The guest with the shortest torn-off piece wins this game (the closest to an exact fit).

    8. Panty Hose Golf :) - For this game you will need panty hose, any size, or variety of colors (it doesn't matter). Each player individually starts at one side of the room with a pair of panty hose tied around their waist. The legs are filled with one small potato each and hung low enough to just scrape the floor. A ping pong or golf ball is laid on the floor, one foot in front of each player & the hip motion of moving the ball across the room begins (by swinging the potato in the foot of the panty hose and hitting the ball)! The game is a timed event & certainly a barrel of laughs!

    Submitted by Kel Carter

    9. The top 20 things you find in a baby's room. - You get all the people attending the shower to write down as many things they would find in a baby's room (newborn) in 1 minute. The player with the most wins.

    10. BABY SHOWER. - Write down as many words as you can make from the words "Baby Shower". The words have to be 3 or more letters. They have a minute to come up with their list. The player with the most words wins.

    11. Guess the Baby Word - You write down different things related to a baby and tape it to each person's back as they enter the room. Noone knows what is taped to their back but they have to guess it. They can only ask "no" or "yes" questions. The person they ask questions to can not off

    12. Finger Test - You take a bowl full of instant rice, not cooked, and put mini safety pins in it and have a person blind folded sitting in front of the bowl trying to sort out the pins. You have 1 minute to do this and the one with the most pins wins one of the door prizes. Please keep the pins closed. This game is difficult because you almost can't tell the items apart.

    13. Fishin' for Cotton - You fill a bowl full of cotton balls and again blind fold the person and have them scoop with a wooden or metal spoon the cotton balls into a dish that is about 3-5 inches away from the ones with the balls in them. The person who gets the most in the bowl wins a door prize. (There is another variation of this below.)

    14. Dirty Diaper - You take paper napkins and fold them up like baby diapers and use mini safety pins to close them. You then select one of the diapers and put brown mustard in the bottom of the diaper. The person who chooses the "Dirty Diaper" wins a prize.

    15. I've Never.- The hostess buys a piggy bank, and asks all the guests to bring a handful of loose change. All the guests sit in a circle, passing the piggy bank. Each guest states something they have never done starting with the phrase "I've never...........". For example, flown in an airplane, pierced my ears, mowed the lawn. Anyone in the group who has done what you have never done must put change in the piggy bank. By the end of the game the piggy bank is jingling with change for the baby.

    16. Good Advice? - Pass around paper to everyone and had them write down advice about the new baby for the Mom to be. Seal it in an envelope and instruct Mom to read it at the hospital after the baby is born.

    17. Watermelon Baby - I just had to share with you the greatest baby shower idea that my mother did for us. We broke up into teams of 5 and she gave each team a watermelon! We had to transform that watermelon into what we thought our new edition would look like. Mom had piles of yarn, diapers, baby cloths, markers to draw faces, etc. It was a riot watching everyone try to dress a watermelon. Then the finished babies were great (thank goodness our baby didn't end up looking like them!) If you want to give a prize for this have everyone vote for their favorite.

    18. "My Water Broke!" First, you buy those little plastic babies (you can find them at party stores) Next, you freeze them in icecube trays overnight. Then, as each guest arrives, they get a paper cup and a frozen baby cube. THE WINNER: THE FIRST PERSON WHO'S BABY IS 'BORN' (ICE MELTS AND BABY IS LEFT IN POOL OF WATER) MUST YELL OUT "MY WATER BROKE!"...AND THEY ARE DECLARED THE WINNER! This is a good game because other games can be played while people wait for their baby to be 'born'.

    19. "Nursery Rhyme Game & More" You get 4 minutes for this one. Try to guess the nursery rhyme depicted. Answers below.

    1. Rodents who can't see a thing.

    2. Irreparable broken egg.

    3. Small seated girl who is scared of insects.

    4. Swift boy who leaps over flames.

    5. Muscial feline and dancing dishes.

    6. Elderly woman with hungry dog and empty cabinets.

    7. Clumsy couple on an errand to a well

    8. Elderly, happy monarch who smoked and ate a lot.

    9. Small boy who eats his pies with his hands.

    10. Elderly woman with unique living quarters.

    11. Cheap, freshly baked pastries.

    12. Male trio who bathed together.

    13. Tired shepard boy with trumpet.

    14. Maternal game bird.

    Answers to Nursery Rhyme Game:

    1. 3 Blind Mice

    2. Humpty Dumpty

    3. Little Miss Muffett

    4. Jack Be Nimble

    5. Hey Diddle...

    6. Mother Hubbard

    7. Jack & Jill

    8. Ole King Cole

    9. Little Jack Horner

    10. Old Lady Who Lives in a Shoe

    11. Hot Cross Buns

    12. 3 Men in a Tub

    13. Little Boy Blue

    14. Mother Goose

    20. Bubble Gum Into Baby - You get 3 minutes for this one. Take a soft bubble gum (we used double bubble) and sculpt into the shape of a baby. Don't forget the fingers, nose and butt. When 3 minutes are up, everyone gets 2 copies of the same number, one goes with the sculpture on a tray to be judged and one goes to the sculptor to claim your prize if you win. Everyone votes on the one that looks most like a baby and the one that looks least like a baby.

    21. Baby Parts - Each statements listed below represents some part of a baby. See how many you can identify. Make copies of this and give the guests 3 minutes to fill in as many as they can (the best thing to do is pick 20-25 that you like out of this list and only use those). The guest that gets the most right wins.

    1. Something to keep tools in - CHEST

    2. Part of a wagon - TONGUE

    3. Grown on a cornstalk - EARS

    4. A type of macaroni - ELBOW

    5. A school child - PUPIL

    6. Tropical trees - PALM

    7. Part of an apple - SKIN

    8. Edge of a saw - TEETH

    9. Used by carpenters - NAILS

    10. Weapn

  4. Blind Diapering:  Need:  Two baby dolls, 2 blindfolds, diapers.  Divide participants into two teams.  Each person has a diaper. First in line of each team gets blindfolded and when the moderator says "go" - each person tries to diaper the baby doll blindfolded.  When they are done they blindfold the person behind and continue.  The team that completes the task first wins.  Actually very funny when those who haven't been around babies in awhile try to diaper blindly :)

    Word Scramble:  xerox a list of word scrambles - i.e. PRLEIDAU, ABOLER (epidural, labor) and have everyone try and solve given a time limit.  after 5 minutes -see who has the most correct.

  5. get atleast 10 varieties of baby food jars. cover the flavor of baby food it is so your guest cant know by reading it. number each jar. give each guest a paper and pen. your guest can taste, smell and observe the baby food in any way possible to try and figure out what kind of baby food it is. for each numbered jar they have to write their best guess on what flavor they think it is. at the end whichever guest got the most answers correct wins. have fun! :)

  6. I've seen this thing where they melt chololate on diapers.

    This is supposed to be part of some game or something & apparently the only acceptable time that "p**p" is cute or funny.

  7. guessing your weight

  8. Put a different melted candy bar into a bunch of diapers and pass them around trying to guess what the candy bar is.  

  9. Ask everyone to bring a picture of themselves as a baby and split them up into teams. Then give each team an equal amount of photos and pen and paper to guess who it is!  

  10. Yes I have been to are some games I've played and enjoyed.

    Buy some cute little plastic clothes pins in the baby section at the party store...give each girl one when she arrives.  Tell everyone that the rules of the game are that no one can say the word "baby" and no no one can cross their legs (since pregnant ladies have problems w/ that) whenever you catch someone doing either of those things you call her out on and she has to give you her clothes pin....she may get clothes pins back by catching other girls doing the restricted actions including the girl that took the pin from her.  At the end of the baby shower the girl w/ the most pins wins a prize!  (Buy something small to give out as a prize like the really small sized lotions from Bath and Body works....or $5 or $10 gift certificats to food places)

    Another game you can play is you pass around a roll of toilet paper and each girl tears off a line of how ever many squares she thinks would fit around the Mommy-To-Be's tummy.  When every girl has her stream of toilet paper you wrap some toilet paper around the Mom's actually tummy and see how many squares it ends up being.  Which ever girl has the number of squares closest to the number it actually took wins a prize.

    Baby Shower Bingo is also can make your own using words like "baby" "rattle" "stroller" "pram" "onsie" "bottle".....or you can go to google and type in baby shower bingo and print out the cards and word strips.

    Hope this helps...Have Fun!

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