
Does anyone know any good creation myth stories?

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  1. In the beginning there was nothing. Then in a twinkling of an eye, quantum mechanical uncertainty created fluctuation which quickly expanded using an unknown type of energy and as it cooled energy coalesced into matter, and then in to clusters of matter which created the universe.

    Eventually on one cluster of matter several organic molecules combined, began to reproduce.  Reproduction was imperfect, creating mutated versions, which eventually became an entity which wrote a book which explained why there is no God.

  2. In the beginning...

    There was this old, white-haired man who sat on a throne in the clouds.  He was all by himself and so he got lonely.  He decided one day to make some companions.  Some of them got to live with him in his castle in the sky while two of them had to stay on Earth so he would have something to toy with and laugh at.  He took great pleasure in providing them with unnecessary challenges and then punishing them severely when they messed up...


  3. the greek ones are pretty cool, just wikipedia


    she was the first being in greek mythology

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