
Does anyone know any good quotes?

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like about life and stuff




  1. "Everyone who supported slavery was free- Everyone who supports abortion was born." - Unknown

    About life in a way...

  2. the purpose of life is to find your special gift.

    the meaning of life is to give it away.

  3. Life is a zoo in a jungle.

    Peter De Vries

  4. yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery today is a gift and thats why we call it the present

  5. "To accomplish great things, we must

    not only act, but also dream, not

    only plan, but also believe."

    - Anatole France

    "Success is a state of mind.

    If you want success, start thinking

    of yourself as a success."

    - Dr. Joyce Brothers

  6. The problem facing us may be great,

    But the glory of life consists in meeting problems.

    Success or achievement is not the final goal,

    It is the spirit in which one acts which puts the seal of success upon ones life.

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