
Does anyone know any good recipe for cat? Mine is pissing me off.?

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Does anyone know any good recipe for cat? Mine is pissing me off.?




  1. Oh yes you think you can eat your cat & he'll go away? I've got news for you. One time my human tried to cook me by putting my bed in front of the fire. But after a while my fur got hot & I caught on to what was really happening, and after that I have been plotting revenge against my human by peeing in the pocket of his favourite suit and leaving hairballs in his underwear for his unsuspecting lady-friends.

    So be careful, your cat may already be on to you.

  2. Dont be silly if you cant look after your cat take them to an animal shelter , DONT EAT, DONT DUMP!

  3. Once its curled up on your lap, purring, you won't want to eat him.

    Besides, I think I've tried cat by accident before. A takeaway local to me got prosecuted for catknapping black cats. Their food wasn't very nice. I wonder why... :O

  4. Yeah, its called getting it a better owner a******, I think you can figure out the rest of the recipe.

  5. Play with them, exhaust them by doing so but make sure before hand that they have fresh water to drink. Read on how to keep your Pets happy. If you like it, please post your Reviews. Thanks and Best of luck!

  6. I'm not sure what about your current recipe is annoying you, but try this one:

    2 kg [4.4 pounds] raw muscle meat with bones (chicken thighs and drumsticks or, better, a whole carcass of rabbit or chicken amounting to 2 kg; if you don't use a whole carcass, opt for dark meat like thighs and drumsticks from chicken or turkey)

    400 grams [14 oz] raw heart, ideally from the same family of animal (in other words, don't use beef heart with a chicken recipe, use chicken heart with chicken; if no heart is available, substitute with 4000 mg Taurine)

    200 grams [7 oz] raw liver, ideally from the same family of animal (in other words, don't use beef liver with a batch you're making of chicken; use chicken liver with a chicken batch; if you can't find appropriate liver, you can substitute 40,000 IU of Vitamin A and 1600 IU of Vitamin D--but try to use real liver rather than substitutes)

    NOTE: If you cannot find the heart or liver and decide to substitute with the Taurine/Vitamin A and D, then remember to REPLACE the missing amount of organ meat with the equivalent amount of muscle meat. In other words, if you cannot find heart, you add another 400 grams of the meat/bones. If you can't find the liver, add another 200 grams of meat/bone.

    16 oz [2 cups] water

    4 raw egg yolks (use eggs from free-range, antibiotic-free chickens if you can)

    4 capsules raw glandular supplement, such as, for example, multigland supplement by Immoplex

    4000 mg salmon oil (see note at bottom of recipe*)

    800 IU Vitamin E ("dry E" works well)

    200 mg Vitamin B complex

    (optional: 1/4 tsp. kelp and 1/4 tsp of dulse -- 1/2 tsp total; skip these two ingredients altogether if you're using free-range, 'organically raised' meats, as the nutrients they are meant to supply are amply available in the bone of truly healthy, non-conventionally-raised, so-called 'organic' meats; if you do not use kelp and dulse, add 1.5 teaspoons of Lite salt with iodine to the recipe)

    (optional: 4 tsp. psyllium husk powder (8 tsp. if using whole psyllium husks; see note at bottom of recipe**)

    NOTE: If you will not be using the food immediately and freezing for more than a week or two, toss in 4000 mg of additional Taurine to make up for what may get lost during storage. It is also not a bad idea to sprinkle extra Taurine from a capsule on the food as you're serving it two or three times a week, just to be certain your cat is getting plenty of this critical amino acid.

    1. Remove about half of the skin from the muscle meat. Chunk up (i.e., cut) as much of the muscle meat (minus most of the skin if using chicken or turkey, but leave skin on if using rabbit) as you can stand into bite-sized (nickel-sized, approximately) pieces. Save the chunked meat for later. Do not grind it.

    2. Grind the raw liver, any skin, raw meaty bones, and raw heart. Once ground, stir this meat/bone mixture well and return to refrigerator.

    3. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and whisk everything (non-meat) except the psyllium. If you had to replace liver with Vitamin A/D or replace heart with Taurine, add the substitutes now. Add psyllium at the end -- if you're using it -- and mix well. Finally, put the three mixtures together--the "supplement slurry" that you have just mixed, the ground up meat/bone/organs, and the chunks of meat that you cut up by hand. Portion into containers and freeze.

    Don't overfill the containers. The food expands when frozen and you don't want lids popping off. Thaw as you go. The food shouldn't be left thawed in the refrigerator more than 48 hours before serving. To serve, portion into a 'zipper baggie' and warm under hot water in the sink. NEVER microwave the food. Cats like their food at something approximating "mouse body temperature."

    *Every two or three days, I suggest sprinkling a few drops of fresh salmon oil from a newly-opened capsule on to the cats' food. The Essential Fatty Acids in salmon oil are extremely fragile, and since we do not know exactly how much gets lost during freezing, I think it's wise to use a bit of fresh salmon oil directly on the food a few times a week. Most cats love the flavor.

    **Not all cats require additional fiber (psyllium) in their diet. If your cat has been eating low-quality commercial food for several years, especially dry food, she may have lost bowel elasticity and may benefit from the extra fiber. As a general rule, I recommend using psyllium when an adult cat first gets raw food. I rarely add much psyllium to my adult cats' diet. Bear in mind that some cats seem to get constipated without additional fiber, whereas other cats seem to get constipated if they get too much fiber. Each cat is unique, and you'll have to judge what works best for your cat.

  7. Fail.

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