
Does anyone know any good recipes for an all liquid diet?

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My dad broke his jaw and he has his mouth wired shut.... so we need some good recipes because the ones the doctor gave us are very bad...

I would appreciate anything you could think of...





  1. In a word: Soups. Lots of soups. My dad was on a puree diet, which I suppose is not as liquidy, but still fairly. What you need is a good stick blender! Then anything can happen.

    For breakfast I used to get a heap of sustagen (i.e. protein-based meal replacement chocolate powder mix), a banana, a weetbix (breakfast wheat biscuit for natural fibre), some ice and some high quality dutch cocoa and blend it all up. He loved it.  You could also use other fruits too - nothing beats fresh food, but the meal replacement stuff makes sure he's getting all the essentials just in case there's a tendency to eat less (as my Dad did - he had cancer and was on radiotherapy.)

    For other meals I did a lot of mash, but that may not be appropriate for your dad. But I also did heaps of soups. You can use recipes or be as creative as you like - using heaps of nutritious and yummy vegies and beans and pulses, adding sauces for flavour and just blend away like mad till it's liquid.  

    Don't forget if you're adding more liquid to a recipe to blend it, make sure you add stock or a sauce (e.g hot sauce, sweet chili, soy, satay or whatever) to it too to make sure the water doesn't dilute the flavour.

    Good luck!!


    There are many liquid recipes.

    I think it will help you.

    I like liquid recipe too.

  3. I've been on a liquid diet for years.  

    Breakfast:  Light beer

    Morning tea:  Heavy beer

    Lunch:  Whiskey

    Afternoon tea: Bourbon

    Dinner:  Vodka

    Supper: Sherry.

    If at any time you are not sure of which meal you are up to, start again.

    Works for me.

    PS.   Sorry to hear about the broken jaw.

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