
Does anyone know any good study tips plz? (I reward BEST answer)?

by Guest66644  |  earlier

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I need to study for a Biology test...i study & study...look over my the study guides..& when i get to the Test..its like i didnt study at all...i fail it..and it hurts. Does anyone know anything i can solidify my study habits?

I have a Biology Test on friday & im tryin to get a solid grade on this one?

Im in 9th grade if that helps





  1. Do all of the above advices and also, go to the supermarket and look for a drink that helps you stay awake and remember things.  Caffeine is coke and coffee can help too.  I know that my brain doesn't function well if I feel sleepy.

  2. I'm also in 9th grade and biology, and I've found found a great method for studying.

    First, I rewrite my notes. Not all of it, but the key points. If you aren't sure which points are most important, look in your book. Usually they will be bolded, or identified at the beginning/end of the chapter. If this still doesn't help, ask your teacher! They really are there to help, and seeing as they write the tests, they're probably a great resource.

    After I rewrite my notes, I look for any key words or phrases that can be defined. They could be new vocab or ideas that are important for the chapter. Then, write them out on flash cards so that you can easily review them.

    Lastly, look in your book again. See if it has an online companion, or if the website has activities or animations that go along with the material. Look for diagrams, bolded words/phrases/ideas, and make sure you understand each major heading. It might help to outline each section - but only with the MOST IMPORTANT 4 or 5 bullet points.

    Good luck!!! I really hope you do well on the test, and that you found these tips helpful. Just remember to study in two 30 minute sessions rather than one 60 minute (or however long you were going to study for, break it up). They say that you "absorb information" better that way, or something.

  3. The ultimate technique is this:



    Many teachers tell students ahead of time what the format of an exam will be. This can help you tailor how you study. For example, if you know you are going to have multiple-choice questions on Anatomy, you'll know  to focus on studying facts and details. On the other hand, if the exam will contain essay questions, you'll want to think about which topics are most likely to be covered. Then come up with several possible essay topics and use your notes, books, and other reference sources to figure out how you might answer questions on those topics.

    When trying to memorize names, or other factual information, keep in mind that it usually takes a number of tries to remember something correctly (that's one reason why it's a good idea to start studying well in advance of a test). Use special memory triggers that the teacher may have suggested or ones that you invent yourself. Read things over several times if you need to, and write down any phrases or thoughts that will help you remember main ideas or concepts.

    Some people find it helps to teach what they're studying aloud to an imaginary student. Or work with a study partner and take turns teaching aloud. Another study technique is making flashcards that summarize some of the important facts or concepts. You can then use these to review for a test.

    P.S. If you had indicated the topic, I could have given you some more tips, facts and techniques that I used.

  4. to study biology u must know the structure of the thing u are studied. for example cell, u must know the structure of the cell. i suggest, u try draw a picture n labelling what u are remember about that topic. u can also draw a mind map n paste it in the wall of your room. u will look at it everyday n it help u to memorise the fact. u also must study continuosly n not only read the chapter when u are facing the exam. try to make study plan about the chapter u must recovered.

  5. I write down my notes almost word for word. The notes given to me by my teachers that I have to study or the notes I write down in class, I'll end up rewriting them, a couple of days or the night right before the test. That helps alot, try it, GOOD LUCK on ALL your tests!!!!!!

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