
Does anyone know any good teaching advice for me?

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im teaching swimming to children who are 6 years old and younger. im having a tough time getting them to follow directions and stay focused. any advice?? does anyone also know any good games i could incorperate in my lesson that would benefit thier learning. what i mean is "is there a game i can have them play where they are accually getting something out of it instead of just letting them go wild"

any advice would help me. im a new teacher and would love some feedback.




  1. Bribery always works well with younger kids = ). Try bringing in snacks as a reward for after class. If the kids are well behaved and follow directions, they get a snack. You can also try little goodies, like stickers or action figures, things from the "treasure chest" when you were a kid. As far as games go, think of something competative, but where they cheer one another on. Perhaps break them into teams, and have relays or fetch the object under the water type games, those who aren't swimming, must cheer on their "teammates". The team that is the most sportsman-like is rewarded somehow. Also, try to come up with some type of disciplinary action for those who are "wild." Perhaps its a time-out, or a loss of free time or reward. Be strict (but not mean) with your discipline so the kids know you are boss. Hope this helps = )

  2. Well, kids love games because they can express their imagination. Maybe, you should try to incorporate a game in which the children are sea animals like dolphins and whales, but that they may only swim in a certain way ( then you teach them that certain way) the kids will love the idea and have fun. It would even get better if they start some friendly competition. e.g. one kid says, "look i'm a shark, i can swim fast". Also, you can also make them believe that they are pirates looking for treasure underwater or on the other side of the swimming pool (you can adapt this foreplay to your swimming curriculum) . Always remember though that kids love to have fun and have a tremendous amount of energy. They are very creative and can show their full potential when someone asks them to expose their imagination. AND ALWAYS BE HAPPY. there's nothing more worse than to see a swimming teacher cranky, mad or angry. It'll reflect on the kids and they won't enjoy their swimming class.

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