
Does anyone know any good volleyball drills for a middle attacker/blocker position?

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I am a middle attcker/blocker and am curious for some drills to start off the new season




  1. running and jumping

  2. hmmm....let me think! Well for blocking, you could get two people to set up a drill with you. Since you are a middle blocker you are going to have to run to the outside and back positions to help block. Put one person on one side and the other on the other side. Then tell them to call you over and the two of you go up together. It would really help if you had someone toss the ball, and then another person hit the ball. You could tell your coach to run a hit and block drill where you have 6 people on one side (you in the middle position of course) and then the rest of the team on the other side hitting. As for a good warmup drill, practice your three step approach for a hit on one side of the net and practice your blocking approach on the other side. But actually take the time to do your approaches right...think of it as if you are actually getting ready to hit or block.

    Good Luck and I hope this helps!

  3. you can always practice ur swing blocks- like a 3-3-3 or a 5-3-3 or a 3-2-2 or a quick 3-2-2. if you dont know how to do this...

    well first you start at the net in a blocking ready position. then with your left foot, point it to the left which is step one. take two more steps while swing your arms back and up over the net to block. kind of like an approach. do the same on the other side, just opposite. then shuffle back to the middle and go back to your ready position. then do the same, to the right. this is a 3-3-3.

    a 5-3-3 is the same thing, but the first step has a shuffle in it. so shuffle once to the left, then add ur three step swing block. thats the 5 part. then do the 3-3 part and thats a 5-3-3. shuffle back to the center, and go the other way.

    a 3-2-2 is simple. just your 3 step swing block tothe left, then take a step with both feet to your right, jump and block, then to the right, block. then again, shuffle to the center and go to the right.

    a quick 3 is just a shuffle and a step. so do a shuffle to the left and a step, and sort of drift toward the left while your in the air and blocking. thats the quick 3. then add the 2-2 and yyouve got it. shuffle back to the center and go to the right.

  4. just work on ur vertical.  that is what middle BLOCKERS are for, right? :D

  5. those 5-3-3's 3-2-2's and Q3-2-2's are good, we do them in our warm ups.

    try jousting as well. i think thats so much fun, even tho i'm not that tall i can still win. its all about timing..

    jousting (in case you didnt know) is when you have one person on both sides of the net and someone throws a ball up in between you on the net and you two have to fight to put the ball on the other side. so it would be realistic to a fluffly or tight pass on the net. it works on ur aggression and decision making as well as your vertical and your hand positioning. good luck!

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