
Does anyone know any good websites about human growth and development?

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Basically for elderly people cas im going my NVQ 3 Health and social care adult thank you




  1. There is a set of principles that characterizes the pattern and process of growth and development. These principles or characteristics describe typical development as a predictable and orderly process; that is, we can predict how most children will develop and that they will develop at the same rate and at about the same time as other children. Although there are individual differences in children's personalities, activity levels, and timing of developmental milestones, such as ages and stages, the principles and characteristics of development are universal patterns.

  2. Chapter 1 Questions

    1 Summarize the original sin, innate goodness, and blank slate views of human development.

    The original sin is an idea that describes human beings as being born selfish because of Adam and Eve. It also states that human beings are selfish when they do a good deed. The only way to overcome this selfish attitude is to have a spiritual rebirth experience. After the spiritual rebirth, differences in “goodness” and “badness” are the results of different degrees of success in overcoming the sinful nature.

    The belief that all human beings are naturally good and seek out experiences that help them grow is described as innate goodness. For children to reach their full potential, they need only nutrition and protection. It is also believed that good behavior results from growing up in an environment that does not interfere with the individuals attempt to do so. The innate goodness perspective suggests that development involves a struggle between internal and external factors, which resembles the original sin.

    The blank state is in contrast to both the original sin and the innate goodness perspectives. The philosopher John Locke states that the mind of a child is a blank state. Basically it suggests that adults can mold children into whatever they want them to be. Whether the child’s results are good or bad, it takes place because of external environmental factors acting on a person.

    2.What were the contributions of Darwin and Hall to the scientific study of human development?

    Darwin’s and Hall’s philosophy provided framework for ideas about human development. Darwin’s theory of evolution believed that there could be an understanding of the development of the human species by studying child development. Darwin kept records of his own children’s development in hopes of finding evidence that supports the evolution theory. Hall used questionnaires and interviews large numbers of children to study children’s development. Both Hall and Darwin agreed that the milestones of childhood were similar to those that had taken place in the development of human beings.

    3.What is the lifespan perspective?

    The lifespan perspective says that the important changes occur during every period of development and that these changes must be interpreted in terms of the culture and context in which they occur.

    4.What are the three domains of development?

    The three domains of development are cognitive, social, and physical.

    5.How do developmentalists view the two sides of the nature-nuture controversy?

    On the concept with nature, it is viewed as the concept of inborn biases. It is basically saying that children are born with tendencies to respond in certain ways. Dealing with nurture, it has been accepted as the concept of internal models of experience. The first idea of this concept is that the effect of some experience depends not on any objective properties of the experience, but rather on the individual’s interpretation of it. The second idea is that interpretations of experiences are not random by temporary moods, but rather are organized into models, which can be thought of as organized sets of assumptions or expectations about oneself or others.

    6.What is the continuity-discontinuity issue?

          The issue with continuity –discontinuity is whether age-related change is  

          primarily a matter of amount or degree or more commonly involves changes in  

          type or kind.

    7.What kinds of changes are universal?

    The social clock is universal because it shapes all lives into patterns of change. Ageism is also a universal change because it changes the attitudes of other people about their knowledge and what they are capable of.

    8.What are the three contexts associated with group specific changes?

    The three contexts associated with group specific changes are cultural, historical, individual differences.

    9.How do genetic differences and the timing of experiences contribute to individual differences?

    Genetic differences contribute to individual differences by making that person

    unique to everyone else heredity and the environment. The timing of experiences contribute to individuals differences because there may be specific periods of development when an organism is sensitive to the presence or absence of some particular kind of experience.

    10.Discuss the pros and cons of cross-sectional, longitudinal, and sequential designs.

    With cross-sectional research, it is very useful because it can be done quickly and can reveal possible age differences or age changes. A downfall with cross-sectional research is that it cannot tell us anything about sequences of change with age or about the consistency of individual behavior overtime, because each participant is tested only once.

    A plus with longitudinal designs is that it can follow the same individuals over a period of time. Longitudinal design can also look at sequences of change and at individual consistency or inconsistency overtime. There are several major difficulties with longitudinal designs. This type of study involves giving each participant the same test over and over again which in hand, the participant will learn how to take the test. Distorted measurements may result from that practice. Another problem is that every participant may not stick with the program due to participant drop out, dying, or moving away just to name a few. Also, longitudinal studies do not get around the cohort problem.

    11.How do developmentalists use case studies, naturalistic observation, correlations, and experiments to identify relationships between variables?

    Developmentalists use case studies to examine single individuals. They are useful in making decisions about individuals. They are also the basis of important hypothesis about unusual developmental events.

    With naturalistic observations, developmentalists use this research method to observe people in their normal environments. This study provides information about psychological processes in everybody contexts.

    In correlation studies, the relationship between two variables can be expressed as a number ranging from -1.00 to +1.00. A zero correlation indicates that there is no relation between the two variables. High scores on both variables means that there is a positive correlation and a negative correlation means that the two variables are going in the opposite direction.

    An experiment study tests a causal hypothesis. With this study, participants are assigned randomly to one of two or more groups. The groups have equal amounts of variation when they are randomly assigned.

    12.Why is cross-cultural research important to the study of human development?

    Cross-cultural research is important to the study of human development because it is a way to identify universal changes and processes experienced by individuals in all cultures. It is also important because it can be used to improve people’s lives.

    13.List the ethical standards used by researchers to protect the rights of research participants.

    Ethical Standards used by researchers to protect the rights of research participants.

    a. Protection from harm

    b. Informed consent

    c. Confidentiality

    d. Knowledge of results

    e. Deception

    hope this will help good luck

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