
Does anyone know any jobs that a 12 year old can do? Twelve nearly 13?

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I am 12, and i really need a job because i need some pocket money, i have to say i'm 13.

to get a job as a paper round

and anyway 1 year cant make a big difference can it




  1. Hi..

    U can make money by outsourcing or doing medical transcription..  Its not a hard job,...

    u need to spend 1-2 hrs a day..

    Gud Luck..

  2. you must have friends to buy games or pc tools

    pc stuff

    if you do ask them to buy in very very cheap prices

    cheap den they get in market

    and tht wht we provide you

    you get extra commission

    commission tht u wont belive.

    every product giv u abt 100% commission

    so take your deal

    contact us at

    you will get wht u desire.

    playstation xbox  wht more they even play pirated games

  3. Depends where you live, where I live 14 is the minimum and you need state working papers, 16 you can work without them, but it isn't until you are 18 until you can get any real sort of job. You should check in to your area's working age, but at 12 you may be able to cut lawns for people, or shovel the snow off a driveway. It may not be the easiest buck, but I am sure you can find a couple of these types of things.Good Luck

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