
Does anyone know any legit work from home companies?

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preferably no cost




  1. no, there are no legit companies. you have to work for yourself. there's a list of things here:

  2. Photography.  It is one of the cheapest to start up.  No need to work for someone else, other than your clients.  Plus, you can sell t-shirts, mugs, etc with your photos on them.

  3. Good Morning America did a great story on this. I was about to start with one when I was offered a really great full time job so I was never able to do anything with it. But check out the link below, it should be really helpful.

  4. hi, i came across this website which offers work from home earning opportunities without cost. You may want to check it out.

  5. The work from home jobs that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build - so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true ( and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began ).

    Time & effort required - but do your own research on what is best for you, don't take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of public website.

    I have other ideas that may help - one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself - try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don't have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc - they need their "in-house" folks doing other things rather than busy work.

  6. I know quite a few legit work from home companies.  Queston is what kind of work from home companies are you looking for?  Are you looking for a 9 to 5 sort of job in which it will allow you to work from home?  Or are you looking into collaborating with a company and have your own business within a business?  Without knowing this information, it's difficult to point you out to the right direction.  So, the only thing I can really do is refer you over to a couple different places in which you can apply for a home job, or look into several different industries to collaborate and have your own business and work from home through them.

    This first one is on legitament work from home companies that are jobs.

    This second one is legitament work from home companies in which you can collaborate with and have your own business within a business.

    So there's quite a few different legit work from home companies for you to look at!

    Good Luck!

  7. there are a lot of them around, but you ony have to be wise in your decision.Choose one that will educate you as well as  make you some good dough along with it.You need to improve on your financial education and  intelligence.This will help you increase your profits from your home business.You need a basic step by step guide,to follow.check out


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