
Does anyone know any nicknames for the name miranda?

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I'm going to a new school next year and am looking to alter my name a little but. If anyone had any suggestions for a nickname or spin on my name *Randy is one im concidering, for an example* it would be greatly appricaited.




  1. In Italian we use Mira, Mirella (common) and Miry (less common) as nickname or spin for Miranda (from Latin: Miranda= the one you must admire, beautiful, marvellous)

  2. I've heard "Mandy" for Miranda. Kinda cute.

  3. Maz or Maza for Miranda

  4. Oddly, I happened recently to have two books out of the library at the same time and each had a heroine named Miranda.  Each author nicknamed their character "Randy"

  5. meer.

  6. Mimi or Mira

  7. Mara. Mira. Randa. Randie. Randy.

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