
Does anyone know any nightclubs for under 18s

by  |  earlier

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a nightclub for inder 18s and it has to be in the U.K and in the bourgh of hillingdon

if so any links would be good





  1. I cant say i do. Sorry!

  2. Check your nearest Oceania .. never heard of it check this website for any under 18 nightclub nights.

  3. uk boys..


  4. do not be in hurry

  5. if there isn't any and you are planning a party or know it would be popular - you should contact a local club and ask them if they've ever considered it or would be prepared to host a one-off night to see how it goes.

    maybe say to them that they could do it on a friday night before the club opens to over 18's?

    if it's profitable then i'm sure most club owners would consider at least one night to see how it goes

  6. Either call the local council or police station and they will tell you as they have to monitor them

  7. nope

  8. do a yahoo search

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