
Does anyone know any self defense tips?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard of a few,but I would like to know more.One example is if someone tries to grab and you've pushed them away twice already,but they still won't stop,push them away a third time and then warn them that if they don't stop they'll get they're butt kicked big time.




  1. Jared A- Stop do not ever listen to advice from whoever told you that. that is a direct challenge and will only lead to no way out of a fight. I am not going to give you any specific techniques, because every situation is different, and quite honestly unless you practice a move 1000's of times it is not going to do you any good.

    IGNORE the advice about looking in the eyes. the eyes can be deceiving, but they can also be intimidating. Better to look at the sternum, this way you can see any movement the person makes.

    My best advice is find a good class and train. They will cover how to defend yourself, but also some prevention and awareness that will help keep you out of trouble.

  2. here are some tips...

    -look your opponent in the eye always

    -always have some kind of guard up to protect your self

    -do every  self defense quick and effectively but at the same time relaxed

    and if they push you, swipe there hands away and do a quick punch and follow up with a series of punches or kicks. Hoped this help :)

  3. I don't know where you got your tips from, but that was one of the worst tip i have ever heard. If someone try to grab you and you push them away, they will get pissed off and smash you. you gave away your advantages of surprise and and first strike.

    Before someone can grab you, you should strike him in the eyes, throat, or groin.

    But if someone already grab you, you would be in a position to head-butt, strike the eyes and throat with your other hand, or knee him in the groin or take out his knee cap. Make sure you strike is fast and precise.

    Someone Grabbing you is not as bad as someone punching you, because you have a lot more time on your hand.

  4. if he keeps coming while hes walking tward you shoot for his legs they will be wide open .once hes down either kick his *** or just let him know how bad you could beat his *** for hear

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