
Does anyone know any short scripts for 2 people 3 people at the most?

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I cant pay for it though? Help?




  1. well mate a good while ago one thing i took part in was a talk in the park, great little play and really enjoyed it, only prob is not sure where u would find it but if u could look on the net for it its well worth doing

  2. Romeo and juliet??? It's possible...

    the problem is, do you want a whole play, or just a big chapter.

    If you want a big chapter, I definitely advise "Antigone" By Anouilh, It contains various chapters which are only of 2 people. (however this is quite a difficult standard.

    Also you could try any play by Mollier.

    If you are looking for something modern, try a a Chuck of a favourite film...

    I hope that helps

  3. just go to your local library they usually have lots of books full of them and they'll photocopy them for you

  4. "All in the timing" by David Ives is a collection of six one acts that are short and funny. Two really good ones are Sure Thing which has a man and a woman. And the other is Words, Words, Words which has 2 male chimpanzees and one woman chimpanzee. Each are in "All in the timing".

  5. Then do a scene from Shakespeare, almost all modern plays require you pay for the right to perform them, except in a classroom.

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