
Does anyone know any software that can make me access to some websites (youtube, etc) that my U has blocked.?

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Does anyone know any software that can make me access to some websites (youtube, etc) that my U has blocked.?




  1. here's another proxy


  3. Try tor.

    "Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location."

  4. You don't need software.  Use a proxy server.

  5. try adding https. So it's like

    You have to the in the full URL.

  6. by "U" I'm guessing you mean university. You can use proxies to get around filters, but if you get caught the policies on doing this are very strict (suspension, banned from computer use) Just wait until you get home, it's really not worth the potential consequences.

    If you're living on campus and they filter it in your dorm, I would probably end up using a proxy but if you have other ways to access the internet unfiltered, just use that.

  7. use a proxy

  8. use a proxy. here's a link.

    wanna answer mine?;...

  9. Firewalls are in place for a reason.  Get caught going around it (yes, the admins keep logs of where you go) and you can loose your network access completely.

    Better double check your student code of conduct.

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