
Does anyone know any solutions for global warming?

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I'm in the Model United Nations, and the meeting is tomorrow. Although i have done a lot of research, i still need more resolutions. Skip the basic stuff please? I need something creative such as biodegradable corn oil plastic bottles, or compressed-with-many-plastic-bottles jar, or elephant p**p/dung paper! please?

i need this by tomorrow !!! thank yu!!!




  1. Do not spend your time here on earth worrying about something that is beyond your control.  Be happy in the time allotted you.

  2. Sorry but you don't have evidence that global warming is happening, you have a theory that its happening. Just because environmentalists can yell the loudest doesn't make them right. A huge number of scientists completely disagree with the global warming theory and have plenty of evidence to back up their argument. The media simply doesn't give them the same air time because their theory isn't moving us toward a socialist society, which is clearly the agenda of the GW religion.

  3. Yeah run outside in your underwear and hop around your neighborhood. That should cure you of this silly belief that humans are causing the earth's global average temperature to go up.

  4. Turn up the AC.

  5. Promoting the green design, construction, renovation and operation of buildings could cut North American carbon dioxide emissions more deeply, quickly and cheaply than any other available measure, according to a new report. Buildings are responsible for over one-third of continents carbon dioxide emissions.

  6. yes. if environmental alarmists would shut up, this make-believe end of the world scenario that is being exploited by al gore and his sheeple might just stop. THE GREEN MOVEMENT IS THE LARGEST MONEY GENERATOR SINCE THE p**n INDUSTRY!!! and with both, you get f*cked.

  7. You're all paranoid. Just adapt.

    This global warming (climate change for hippies) hype isn't caused by man. They're just scaring you.

  8. I think it is better if the population of some countries should decrease should be done because if there are less people than there is it now we wont need to cut to much wood for our houses and there will be more space for forest to grow....we wont even need to much vehicles that emit pollution in the air........


  9. Get cars off the road and only use electric cars so there's no more gasoline in the air. Plant more trees so for more oxygen in the air(trees give out oxygen) If most of the percentage of the world did this ether global warming will stop or unfortunately lets hope it's not to late.

  10. 1) Eat all the sheep and cows- their personal gas emissions are much too high.

    2) Ban flatulence- if you catch anyone letting it out, fine them with a $100 carbon credit.

    3) Institute rowboats as the only form of transportation across bodies of water. Ban airplanes.

    4) Eat all of the algae.

    5) Move all people to Mars- why not devastate their climate instead of ours?

    6) Destroy volcanoes- they emit merciless amounts of greenhouse gases.

  11. The solution to global warming is to stop the source of heat. Paint your building lighter colors with low-e finishes, plant trees, grow vines, provide shade and all with zero emissions.

    Go to the following link to see what the UN is missing. Solar radiation including UV is scorching the earth. Academia is missing this sight of temperature.

    Here is the link to energy waste in buildings in the winter, look at the poor design and construction.

  12. Reducing Black Carbon, or Soot, May Be Fastest Strategy

    for Slowing Climate Change

    Emissions from black carbon (BC), or soot, are the second largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and reducing these emissions is the fastest strategy for slowing climate change.  In some regions, such as the Himalayas, the impact of BC on melting snowpacks and glaciers may be equal to that of CO2.2 BC emissions also significantly contribute to Arctic ice-melt, and reducing such emissions may be “the most efficient way to mitigate Arctic warming that we know of.”3 Since 1950, developed countries have successfully reduced BC emissions by a factor of five, primarily to improve public health, and “technology exists for a drastic reduction of fossil fuel related BC” in the rest of the world.

    Banning single use, single serving bottled water would be a huge plus for the environmetn and delvier huge energy savings:

    Tapped Out: The True Cost of Bottled Water

    " In bottle production alone, the more than 70 million bottles of water consumed each day in the U.S. drain 1.5 million barrels of oil over the course of one year."

    That doesn't include energy burned in transportation and disposal, all to water that is of less quality than what comes out of our taps, in poisonous containers.  Now we'll also pay a high price to offset all of that energy waste.  Incredibly stupid, isn't it?

  13. Instead of manufaturing intensive production of photovoltaic cells to capture solar energy, suggest the use of fresnel prism lenses to builod solar steam turbines that can generate electricity to power electric cars, homes, industry etc.

    see below for a site set up by a high school student that outlines how powerful one of these plastic magnifying glass windows is.


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