
Does anyone know any training tips to get ready for volleyball season?

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can someone give me info about how to get fit and ready for volleyball season.





  2. One of the things that is the worst for most volleyball players is that they don't set well and double hit it a lot as their fingers just are not strong. You need to do some finger tip pushups (Or just hold yourself up with them to start)

    I can't tell you how many times as a referee I see a girl have the ball hit her head just because her fingers are weak and not strong enough to set the ball

  3. Well, as a 5 year volleyball player, the way I always get in shape before volleyball season is running,squats, stair climbing(leg strength is really important in volleyball, even though it seems like its not), push ups, and weight lifting(arm strength is ESSENTIAL in volleyball!)Well, when you first start, you ARE going to be sore but, it is all worth it once volleyball season rolls around.BeSt oF LuCk!!!

  4. Yeah, conditioning is key. Try lunges, push ups, crunches, and wall sits. Also practice serving, bumping, and setting at home.

  5. leg and knee training are essential .

  6. i play v-ball and i think u should work on yo blocks setting spiking and digging do some drills run alot and try t get in some camps

  7. I would do alot of running and conditioning to get your endurance built up. Also there are exercises called Plyometrics, we always did them at volleyball camp, they really work your legs.

  8. run,bike,hike,jump rope, wall jumps, leg lifts, squats, lunges. practice serving and partner up with someone to practice, hitting, bumping, and setting.

    you also might want to do some wieght conditioning

    good luck!

  9. work your legs and your biceps!

    you could try finger push ups to help your fingers if your a setter

    hitters-lift weights for your biceps, wall sits and anyway to gain muscle in the legs for the jumps

    backrow- run a mile a day and wall sits to work the legs!

    good luck


  10. Yeah! mix powdered guarana (trpical fruit) and Aspirin with extra vitamin C (ascorbic acid+acetil salicilic acid) and you'll be on fire and anti-doping will never get U

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