
Does anyone know any tricks to help me with a really bad hook in my golf drive?

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I'm a lefty and it's weird cause all my irons are fine it's just when i hit my driver :S it makes me mad :P I mean i have no problem recovering it just would really help my game if i could straighten it out.




  1. try the site below for some free lessons

  2. Ha ha, I have (had) the same problem. I can not slice it too save my life. Golfers pay thousands of dollars in lessons to rid of a slice and I can't do it. I don't want to slice but I try to hit a cut. I have a natural hook.

    Want to straighten it out? Easy.

    Get a better posture, lean more foward with you upper body and keep your head straight, not slouched down. Pretend your head is in a vice (DO NOT MOVE IT AT ALL DURING YOUR TAKE AWAY) Keep the right elbow tucked (by your hip on your downswing (if you are a righty) and shoot through your swing as if you are swinging to right field, more center.

  3. In a nutshell, the hooked tee shot comes about because the path of the golf swing is from the inside line. It is by no means the worst of all faults. The fact that the shots are hooking to the left indicates that the club face is closed to that path the moment the ball is struck. It is this combination of an in-to-out path and a closed clubface that gives you the unwanted hook-spin.

    There is a simple fix for this which is a follows.

    Try to stay neutral. The cure to your hooking woes is essential twofold. First, you need to swing the club into and through impact in an online path,not a severe in-to-out path. Secondly you need to make sure your club face is square(rather then closed) when it makes contact with the ball.

    Thats my advice

    hope i helped

  4. It is likely one of two things:  You either have too strong of a grip which is causing you to roll through the ball too much or you are afraid of hitting it off the toe so you are compensating too much and hitting off the heal.  With an inside out swing like all people that hit a draw have, the heal of the club will turn faster causing a nasty snap hook.  Concentrate on hitting the ball in the center of the club or maybe even a little outside of center.  Worst case, the ball will go straight and have no draw to it.

  5. The Only trick I know is lessons from a golf Pro.  its the only thing that has ever worked for me

  6. You are releasing too early. Keep your wrists cockked until the last moment. Then fire through.

  7. keep a smooth tempo. dont go back all the way. keep ur eyes on the ball. dont stand to far back. open ur wrists a little. dont try to kill it. tee it up higher. the higher the ball goes the straighter.

    14 year old. 2 handicap

  8. loosen your grip and smooth your tempo....

  9. swing easier, put the ball on your front foot, and try to push the ball out that works for me

  10. Here is a simple fix, less pressure with your left hand.

    Try it .

  11. Greetings,

    Typically a hook is caused by an in to out swing path with the club closed at impact.  Now, how do you correct this?  It's an interesting one because people that typically hook are close to being relatively good.  You are almost there.  You just need to stop rotating or turning your hands over violently.  Now, how do you do that?  Well, as you start your downswing you must start the swing by dropping your arms on plane, meaning, straight down.  It will feel weird at first, but the moment you fly open your left shoulder to initiate downswing, is the moment you have to compensate for the lack of arm speed and the compensatory hand flip through impact.  Try this, with your back towards the target, don't even move your upper body, and drop your hands and arms in unison, as you do this your lower body will start to uncoil, and your upper body will follow suit.  But more importantly you'll create a nice lag which will allow your forearms to naturally release the club and not the hands.  Do not flip with the hands, that causes a nasty ducker.  Good luck!

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