
Does anyone know any tricks to the trade of conception....?

by  |  earlier

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hey there, me and my life partrner (we are L*****n's) have been trying to conceive for months now. This will sound messed up but we are doing it the natural way with a family friend, the one that did this with us to produce our beautiful 15 month old son. My partner conceived him and it was pretty much quick to they had s*x once and she was pregnant, I am conceiving this child and it is taking me significantly longer to get pregnant. Anyone know of any tricks to the trade that might make this go faster. I have quit all caffeine and all sorts everything I can find plus taking pre natal's....anyone know of anything else I could be doing to raise my chances?




  1. s*x

  2. Have you been doing the deed at your most fertile time of the month (when you ovulate)?  That would be the first thing I would try.  Other than that, I'm not sure what else you have been trying.  Sometimes it takes time.  Quitting caffeine and taking prenatals is a good first step.  :)  Good luck.

  3. go to  on the left had side there will be calculators go click on Ovulation Calculator and put in ur last period and if will tell you the dates you are ovulating && you should get pregnant asap.

    women only ovulate once a month so it can take up to a year to get pregnant if you arent having s*x at the right times at what not so check it out and i wish you the best !!!  

  4. I think what you two are doing is great:) You can try charting your basal body temperature every morning so you know around when you ovulate. Fertility can help with that. Also, if you have a short luteal phase, try taking Vitex. It helps. It can be frustrating but keep your head up.

    Baby dust to you!

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