
Does anyone know any true and cool facts on the UNited Nations??

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Please give as much info as you can. Try naming a lot! I'll choose the person with the most accurate and most points as best answer! Thanks a whole bunch!!




  1. The United Nations is a pawn of the United States in advancing its interests.

  2. I think one of the most interesting things about the United Nations is how diverse the agencies are under the UN umbrella. Take UNESCO: it's focused on preserving the individual cultures of even tiny communities in the world. They have designated thousands of places as UNESCO World Heritage sites -- the nearest one to where I was born is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, and the nearest one to where I am now is Cologne Cathedral. Find the UNESCO World Heritage site nearest you -- should be interesting (the UNESCO web site can help).

    The UN Volunteers is also an interested agency. It's part of UNDP, and it places and supports over 5,000 volunteers all over the developing world. These volunteers help fledgling governments, help local people develop their own businesses, help administer health programs in rural areas, and on and on. UNV also has an online volunteering program, where people can provide expertise from their home or business to organizations serving the developing world.

    The United Nations Cyberschoolbus is a website about global issues and the UN, for students ages 5-18 and their teachers.

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