
Does anyone know any useful spanish words?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i'm soon going on holiday and i would like to know some useful spanish words like i would like, excuse me, thankyou, please, im lost, etc.




  1. find the most handsome waiter in town and ask the simple question. vamonos a la cama. have a nice time.

  2. So far rely on aarias advice, that is correct, but do not worry, with English you can manage in hotels and restaurants. To survive there you need more than a few words, as Spaniards very rarely speak other languages.
    Good luck

  3. Cerveza. Pronounced terbatha.  BEER. What more do you want

  4. leche!

  5. i would like = quisiera (pronunced kee-cee-eh-rah)

    excuse me = disculpe (pronunced dees-cool-peh)

    thank you = gracias (pronounced grah-cee-ahs)

    please = porfavor (pronounced por-fah-vohr)

    im lost = estoy perdido (pronounced s-toyh-pehr-dee-doh)

    good morning = buenos dias (pronunced boo-eh-nos-dee-ahs)

    good night = buenas noches (pronunced boo-eh-nahs-noh-chehs)

    i dont speak spanish = no hablo español (pronounced noh-ah-bloh-s-pah-nee-ohl)

    i need help = necesito ayuda (pronounced neh-seh-cee-toh-ah-you-dah)

    youre welcome = de nada (pronounced deh-nah-dah)

    im hungry = tengo hambre (pronunced tehn-goh-ahm-breh)

    hello = hola (pronounced oh-lah)

    goodbye = adios (pronounced ah-dee-ohs)

    find = encontrar (pronounced ehn-cohn-trahr)

    how = como (pronounced coh-moh)

    today = hoy (pronounced oh-eeh)

    tomorrow = mañana (pronounced mah-neeah-nah)

    yesterday = ayer (pronounced ah-eeh-er)

  6. agwa very important its water,then sesta sleep or rest, manyana tomorrow,you will hear this all the time once the mid day sun is up.

  7. I am an English woman and I have lived in Madrid for the past 5 years. The one thing I would advise you is that you do not do what the typical English do and not try to use any Spanish at all!!! Shouting Beer, poor favor at the barman will just get the guy really p****d off with you. I think as you are just going for holidays the best thing is to learn the bare essentials and try...the Spanish are really friendly people and are more helpful if you are trying to speak their language...even if you do not get it right
    Get yourself a little phrase book (the AA Spanish phase book is OK! and small enough to fit in your bag).
    I would not give you all the Spanish words again cause they have already given them to you!!!
    One other careful with your belongings, make sure you close your bag, etc....the Spanish are not thieves, but there are a lot of people about that look out for foreigners (like in any holiday destination!). Spain is a beautiful country....and the Spanish are great...have a wonderful holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ah, and if you are going to a typical English resort...try and get out of it and go to normal Spanish places. There a lot nicer and a lot cheaper!!!! If you want anymore info contact me. Adios!!!!!

  8. Samantha gave the only correct translations...forget the rest.

  9. To translate english to spanish go to

  10. just got back from Spain and  i had been to Spanish language classes here last year. The most common phrases you will find yourself using are
    Where is ????     De Donde
    We are going..        bamos
    Can i have ??            YO Quiero
    I am Sorry ...               Los siento
    Please ...                  Por Favor
    How much ??            Que Cuesta
    I speak a small bit of spanish  ...     Yo ablo un poco espanol
    Do you speak english??? Tu ablas inglesa
    Thank you................     Gracias
    Hello..........................     ola
    Goodbye.....................  adios
    I have spealt some of these words phoenetically
    You will find that these phrases are the more common ones you will use. Do not be afraid of saying anything wrong because I  know only a small bit but it really was enjoyable trying to speak spanishover there . And the locals will never make you feel silly if you say something wrong they will just smile and answer you politely. Enjoy your holiday.

  11. conjo

  12. We could do that here, but it might be better to buy a small cheap English-Spanish dictionary.  They really are not that much. Enjoy your trip!

  13. OK hola is hello , and Te Ammo is  i love u and ,loco is crazy, Pinchas is the fu*****g  word and pontia is bi**h, So if u are there and some one says u Pinchas pontia are u loco Pinchas pontia u will know what they are calling u lol!!!!!!!!!!!! U cassia is ur home me cassia is thier home!!!!!!!  gracias is thank u and Donetta is ur welcome!!!!!!! And  pinata is beautiful!!!!
    my spelling maybe wrong but u should know what I am saying and what they are!!!!!!!!!

    ohh yea Alto is stop and Banachs is drunk!!! ohh and u must say things to were if u are talking to a guy are about a guy u have to in the letters in o  cause that is guys and gurls end an a ok !!!!!

  14. You can go buy a CD to play in your computer that teaches you how to speak spanish. It will show you how to spell the spanish word and it will say the word also.
    Look for How to Speak Spanish at your local computer store, like comp usa or Bestbuy, maybe wal-mart.


    You can buy a book also, but it would be hard to pronounce the words correctly. :-)

    Good luck !

  15. oi, greaseball get a me a beer

  16. Excuse me - Pardone

    Sir - Senor

    Madam - Señora

    Hello - Hola

    Good Day - Buenos Dias

    Thank You - Gracias

    Please - Por Favor

    Where is...? - ¿Donde está...?

      ... the bank - el banco

      ... the post office - el correos

      ... the train station - el estancion de trene

      ... the bus - el autobus

      ... the hotel - el hotel

      ... the supermarket - el supermercado

      ... the restaurant - el restaurante

    I Would Like - Me Gustaria OR Quisiera

    I am Lost - Me pierden

    How are you? - ¿Cómo es usted?

    Sorry - Lo siento

    Do you Speak English? - ¿Usted habla inglés?

    Goodbye - Adios

    How Much does it cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta?

  17. Donde esta el lavabo

  18. Cuanto cuesta? is how much is it (when you are in restaurants or shops)

  19. Grassiass - thank you

    Bon huit - Good night

    ola - hello

    Addios - Goodbye

  20. olar meens hello

  21. hola

  22. manana

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