
Does anyone know any website or anything about Dominican Republic roman catholics church?

by  |  earlier

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i am working on a project on dominican republic. And, i was wondering if their is any info/website on where Roman Catholic Churches locate and about them. (in Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata, Santiago) since dominican is a religiious place.

Thxxxxxx So MUch




  1. i do not know much about D.R but i hope this links will help you!!

  2. Sorry dear, even I live there, I dont have any knoledge about a website. But if I can help you in any way just let me know by e-mail

    bye bye.

  3. go to there you'll find all kinds of info;politics,religius,educationat aware that we have the "Catedral primada de america" -"the primary american cathedral" and that the catholic religion plays a major part in our dominican society.I live in santiago we have a well respected university call "Pontificie universidad catolica madre y maestra" we also have around 18 private catholic school in the High school level and thats only in santiago city. hope this can give an idea on where to start searching.. they have a search catalog and you can also translate the web site and its ads. good luck to you..

  4. is the official web site.

    The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church, and its largest religious grouping. There are an estimated 7.6 million baptised Catholics in the Dominican Republic, (89% of the population), in 11 territorial dioceses and one military ordinariate, served by 800 priests.

    Try the third link, you have there all the information in English about Dioceses, Bishops and statistics by Provinces.

    I am Orthodox.

  5. try this site

    good luck. maybe you can try to search on yahoo for more websites)

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