
Does anyone know anything about Chris DuFresne?

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This is Sylvia Brown's son who is also psychic. What have you heard about him? Have you seen him on tv etc?




  1. Am reading his second book now (no I did not read the first).... n ot sure if I believe him or not. How about you?

  2. I do believe in psychic just not her and her Son...

    Sylvia Brown is a big giant evil fraud n her son as well!!!

    Sylvia Brow. Her claims were all wrong. Worse: she wanted to charge them $700 for a followup 20 minute phone conversation with them. n is a big giant evil fraud along with her son... ((((LMAO WHATEVER ))))Sylvia and Chris have very strict ethics about their work. At no time do they discuss your reading with anyone. You have complete privacy, which is never violated. Also, they do not publish or in any way distribute a list of their clients.


    Phone reading with Sylvia - $750

    Phone reading with Chris - $450

    Anyone that pays this is a fool!!!!

    Ohhhhh n let's help out by buyin a book of false s**t!!!! I say SHAME on Montel Williams for helpin her take money from people on False hope...............

  3. No disrespect, but I believe that he is a douchebag. As a sensitive, I am attuned to the frequency of true psychics and I can usually identify frauds and/or douchebags.

  4. He has co-authored books with her (such as Animals on the Other Side and Christmas in Heaven), as well as having written some on his own (such as My Psychic Journey: How to be More Psychic and My Life With Sylvia Browne), all of which are sold on Sylvia Browne’s web site.

    He also performs psychic phone readings, advertised on a page on her site. A 20-30 minute phone readingwith Chris DuFresne costs $450.

    He has appeared in a featured article in People magazine, and has also been profiled on TV in Bay City Limits, Northwest Afternoon, and the Montel Williams show.

  5. Well, you want more than here say?  let me give you a few links:

    Comments made by Gary DuFresne, Chris's father"

    Little history on Sylvia. . .his "psychic" mother and failed predictions"

    Nice article about Sylvia's criminal past

    An short bit exposing what "Sylvia" and her ilk really think of the people who believe in her"

  6. Denie,

    You know better than to believe whatever someone tells you.  Chris is no more psychic than his mother.  However, *acting* like a psychic appears to be a family business.  I don't know why not--his mother has made millions, Chris may as well inherit the gold mine.

    These really are the worst kind of people.  I can understand the true believers who do no harm, but Browne and her evil progeny are really just parasitic predators who prey on those weakened by the death of loved ones.  There is absolutely no reason to believe she is actually speaking with or on behalf of dead people.  What she has done to these poor, foolish people is unforgivable.

  7. hi denie...i posted my first paranormal experience in kimberlee,s question.....ive never heard of sylvia brown except for here, i might look her up and have a read about her....

  8. Sorry Denie, dont believe any of that hogwash. Those type of people have always preyed on those who are looking for closure, fallen on hard times and seeking answers.  Gypsie and parlor tricks disproved by Harry Houdini almost a century ago as well as many others since. What amazes me is the fact that even though people know they are fakes and frauds, they still flock to them! cattle to the slaughter house.

    EDIT: And thats what I like about you,you go to find out, I have know people who said they were psychic, they couldnt predict when they were getting their next meal.

  9. only that he to writes book & that he is a psychic

  10. Don't know about her son, but I remember when Silvia first came out, I thought she was so cool.

    I bought 2 tickets to her live show about 10 years ago, I couldn't go, so my sister and niece went....they were very disappointed...they said she mostly just joked, to get the attention off her non-physic abilities I guess.

    After that I lost all faith, and when I watch her on Montel, she seems so fake....I'm sure she taught her son well.

  11. Spend some time at this website.

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