
Does anyone know anything about Delta Connections Academy Flight School?

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My husband is looking into Flight School. We had all but decided on DCA but then found a bunch of negative forums giving it a bad reputation, however they are all from like 2005! Any update info would be great!! Or alternate solutions on good flight academies. Thanks!




  1. I flew out of the Sanford, FL Airport for 2.5 years. It seems to be a pretty good school if he is trying to get it done quickly. Although they are a pain in the *** if you are a pilot at that airport because they are always in the way and they have the worst control tower I have ever used there, but that shouldnt mean too much to a student pilot.

  2. I was in your situation a few months ago. I too looked into DC, along with all the other big flight schools as a way of getting my instrument and commercial done and over with quickly. I settled on an airline style flight academy which will remain nameless. I quickly realized that I fly because I enjoy it, and I want an aviation career because I enjoy it. That is not the way the large airline schools operate. I became number 200370 and had anything that resembled fun removed from my flying.  I learned some great things, and if I ever want to be an autopilot monitor for an airline I don't think I'll have any problem getting through even their most intense procedure based training.

    For me, It is no fun to fly a small Cessna like an airliner. I would compare it to treating your microwave oven like a nuclear reactor.  

    If your husbands intentions are to get into an airline quick (good luck with todays airline industry) then I would say it might be a good option. Otherwise, I would strongly reccomend finding a local flight school or fbo to rent from and go that direction. It will cost less and he will be able to leave every day looking forward to flying the next day.

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