Ok so when i first heard of this i thought it was completely NUTS!!! of course that was wayyyy before i ever tried to have a baby. i've been ttc sadly for a good year and a half. im so discouraged and YES i am relaxed and really past it all. we dont really even try anymore because each month its just another sad let down. i've accepted that it will happen when it happens. however i was doing some research and there pops up the egg white theory...Most couples ttc have had major success stories. if you go to www.tryingtoconceive.com there is story after story of couples trying for months to years and then miraculously getting pregnant first try with egg whites. It does sound gross i get that. i never thought i would ever have to consider this method of baby making. and yes there are a few cases of where some women have gotten infections from this method. but for the most part, most women didnt and they successfully became pregnant. my question is, i dont know everything about this and if anyone here does, i'd like to hear some stories. and basically im just curious as to when you inject the egg white, is it before and use it as a lubricant or do you inject it afterwards to help carry the sperm???