
Does anyone know anything about Hydrogen fuel cell conversion kits? Do they work? Is it a ripoff?

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People are selling these kits online. Is it for real? Why isn't everyone doing this? What's the catch here?




  1. the catch is,  they don't work.

  2. They work, they just don't put out enough Hydrogen to have any effect on engine efficiency or milage.  To be effective, it would take an alternator that would put out more watts (power) than your car engine (impossible), which is why Hydrogen as a motor-fuel is a basic looser.... it costs more energy to produce than it provides when burned, cleaner notwithstanding.

  3. Hydrogen technology has got nothing to do with breaking the laws of physics or perpetual motion all your doing is igniting a fuel and turning that into energy in the same way as gasoline. The difference is your using more energy from your alternator and batteries to extract the hydrogen and oxygen from the water. if you want to know if it works try it before the oil companies and governments ban car customisation, the trouble with burning hydrogen is it produces too much nitrous oxide which is supposedly the 4th biggest greenhouse gas, its not as bad as Co2 but we still need to find better ways of solving the worlds energy / pollution problems and time is not on our side... Just thought what if you had a second battery rigged up that you charged up with a water or wind turbine, solar etc when your not using the car. and an extra alternator thats dedicated to the electrolysis cell that might give enough extra energy to make some difference to economy, how much energy would it take? whats the math? its got to be worth a try for so small a price. safety first though hydrogen is supposedly 4 times more flammable than gasoline!

  4. "There is energy in water. Chemically, it’s locked up in the atomic bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. When the hydrogen and oxygen combine, whether it’s in a fuel cell, internal combustion engine running on hydrogen, or a jury-rigged pickup truck with an electrolysis cell in the bed, there’s energy left over in the form of heat or electrons. That’s converted to mechanical energy by the pistons and crankshaft or electrical motors to move the vehicle.

    Problem: It takes exactly the same amount of energy to pry those hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart inside the electrolysis cell as you get back when they recombine inside the fuel cell. The laws of thermodynamics haven’t changed, in spite of any hype you read on some blog or news aggregator. Subtract the losses to heat in the engine and alternator and electrolysis cell, and you’re losing energy, not gaining it—period. "

  5. Any kit talking about Brown's gas or HHO or running your car on water is a scam.  You can't violate the laws of physics.

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