
Does anyone know anything about Kayaks? I have purchasing questions for a beginner.?

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My mom wants a Kayak for her birthday. She's never been kayaking (maybe once to try a friends out) before so this would be for a beginner. Here are stastics of her in case it makes a difference:

She is in her 60s

not athletic but is able to do her thing :)

she has M.S. so it would have to be comfortable and easy to get in and out of the water

She did very lil research on it and told us she just wants one that is less than $500. So I did some research today and the inflatable kayaks look like the best, is this true? Can anyone direct me to a website? She lives on the water (creek) and would be doing this with a group of ladies that already have been doing this so the possible bodies of water they could go on is a river, bay, or lake.

Hope I got all the information. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh and she definitely wants one so please no one say it would be unsuitable cuz if we don't get her one she'll go out and get her own so I'd rather get it.




  1. I am going to suggest that you take your mom shopping for her kayak rather than just buying one for her.  If you have a paddle store near you that will let her do some test paddling she will be able to try out various types and makes of kayaks.  I got my kayak a few years ago...had done lots of research, went to the paddling store knowing just what boat I wanted and after a test paddle decided it was not the boat for me.  Today I have a kayak I love.  She may want to consider a sit on top model as it she will not have to worry about getting in and out of the cockpit.  Also what type of boat are the ladies she is paddling with using? She might want something similar.  My guess is weight will also be a consideration for her and that may be why she is thinking about an inflatable. She will also need a way to get it to the water.  They do make little carts that help get from the car to the water.  

    May I recommend that you and your mom spend some time at  The website is a great resource for kayaking info (products and techniques).  The best to you and your mom...paddling is great upper body exercise and so relaxing.

  2. Your mother has a great idea but it is really unrealistic. Kayaks require considerable physical skills and endurance. Perhaps you could arrange a private lesson for her. A more practical watercraft may be a canoe. They require less equipment and are easy to get in and out of. They are also more stable. Inflateables are toys used to play in the water. They are flexible and hard to control. I again suggest a professional lesson. Can your mother swim?

  3. DO NOT GET INFLATABLE! I recommend the LL bean  Manatee Deluxe Angler Kayak Package it is $499.00 has a comfortable seat and has a big opening on the top which makes it easy to get in and out of. Its a nice kayak.

  4. If there are any Costcos where you live, there is a great Kayack I've seen on display for a couple of months.  This Kayack was a two seater, and it had this little seat pad that had cushions, and a comfortable backing that you mom can rest her back on while she is sitting.  I thing the inflatable one may not be a good idea, because it may not be as stable.  I suggest going to a Sports Authority, or Costco, or any sporting store, because they may have some nice one's to choose from.  Life jackets would be a good addition too, just in case the kayack flips, and they fall in the water.  Hope you find a good Kayack!

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