I got the go ahead to start 2nd cycle of Puregon today!!!?
I had blood tests done yesterday and the nurse rang me to say that my levels are good and I can start injections tonight.
This time they have bumped me up to 75iui for the first 5 days, then dropping back to 50iui till there are enough follicles to release using the pregnyl.
I am so excited, seems like for ever since the last try and as we have to take a month of, it was a long time coming.
Anyone want to share with me any success stories or advise I would love to read them as I am excited part of me wants to cry, trying to stay positive is hard.
My son is 12yrs old and we have been trying for #2 for 4 yrs. I have done 5-6 cycles of Clomid and 1 cycle of injectables (puregon) 50iui.
Anyhow, had to tell someone as I am hoping that this is our month.
Thank you to everyone who read this and shared a story or info and good luck to all TTC!!!!