
Does anyone know anything about Romania?

by Guest58177  |  earlier

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i an visiting over there and want to know a little about what im getting in to if you know can you just fill me in on what to pack and such




  1. Yes,bring a nose plug.

  2. yes I know that my mothers ancestors are Romanian, and my mom has a really big nose. I think a lot of Romanians share that facial flaw too.

  3. I lived there for about 6 months.  Note that all the information that I'm giving you is about 6 years old and they've joined the EU since.  I have a feeling that outside the bigger cities, not a lot has changed.

    As far as packing, I would just pack a suitcase/backpack.  The people there don't have much and when i needed anything it was cheaper than I could get it at home anyways.  People usually do their laundry in a bathtub.  I would pack a few sweaters and a coat as a cool wind can pick up in the fall.  Things there are cheap though, so I wouldn't worry much since anything you would need (unless you have extreme circumstances) would be easy to purchase.

    People there are really nice.  You ask if they speak English and you'll get into a 20 minute conversation that neither one of you understand.

    Also, hitchhiking in Romania is really, really safe and there's an etiquette to it.  When I was there I would wait at the bus stop leaving town adn when a car would pass there are hand gestures that would let you know certain things.  If they held their hand over the passanger seat, it means that they have cargo and no empty seats.  If they put it right in front of them across the dashboard, means that they are staying in the local area.  If they stick their finger up and make a circle it means that they'll be back around.  When hitching, pay the driver a few bucks... still cheaper than the bus, but that's also how some people make money.  Ask how much (use your fingers if you don't know the numbers) and if you get in with a group of people you're almost certain to be safe.  I hitched for almost a month there as a female without issue.  

    Don't visit the capital.  It's disgusting, lots of homeless and crime and all kinds of stuff.  

    Visit the castles as you'll see nothing like it.  Just hitch/bus there.  You can get just about anywhere in the country that way.

    I was lucky enough to meet a family while i was in Sighisoara and lived with them for a while.  Their rent was $40 USD, so I paid that for a few months and bought a lot of the groceries for meals.  They were happy to cook for me and I really helped them get back on their feet. When I was there, the country was still going through their post-communist era and it was almost worse off than it had been.

    A lot of people were also still unemployed when I was there, so if you asked directions and they understood you, they would just take you there.  

    Eat whatever people give you, no matter how stuffed you are... you'll be rude if you don't.  If you smoke, DO NOT pocket lighters... it's a poor country and considered extremely rude.  I had to explain myself several times.  This goes for using pens/pencils and not giving them back and so on.

    It's an amazing country and I think that you'll really enjoy it if you have an open mind.

    If you need to tell anyone off, I suggest (and this is how to pronounce, no idea on the spelling)  "Sooj Poola"  (suck my d*ck) and in EXTREME circumstances, "dote dame peesda mooti"  (go back to the p****y of your mother).  Say it loud enough and embarrassment will persuade them to leave you alone.

    I could go on and on, but I have to work in the AM... if you have specific questions, you can email me at rubbercactus (at)

    It's an amazing place and when I was living in Sighisoara I had to travel 6 hours by train to get to the closest McDonald's.  It felt really "Old Country" and authentic.  Enjoy yourself and don't worry.

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