
Does anyone know anything about a "blonde" Guinness?

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The last time my wife and I were In Dublin, around Nov. 2002, we remember seeing an avert for a Blonde Guinnes, that was either going to be produced or was already on the market. We were back in Ireland in 2003 and 2004 and wernt able to find it anywhere.Can anyone tell me anything about this. Is it available in Ireland or Britian? We havent seen anything of it here in the states. Maybe it just hasnt jumped the pond yet. Or was it ever even brewed?




  1. I am fairly sure you are talking about the beer they launched called Breó that was pronounced bro. It was withdrawn though as didn’t make big sales. It was a slightly citrusy wheat beer, had a “blonde” or almost white colour to it.

    Here is a newspaper article about it.

    Guinness Ireland has confirmed that Breo, its wheat beer that cost close to £5 million to develop, is to be withdrawn because of "an insufficiently large consumer base".

    Breó -- which means 'glow' in ancient Irish -- was seen by many as GI's last great hope -- a chance for St James's Gate to show Diageo, GI's parent company, that Dublin could still create new beer products.

    But it has failed spectacularly, despite a £300,000 advertising campaign. Ciaran O'Loan, new product manager at Guinness Ireland, said that, during the Breo test marketing, consumers reactions were polarised between those who really liked it and those who loathed it.

    But the failure of Breo doesn't mean the end of new product development at St James's Gate, said Pat Barry, head of corporate affairs.

  2. I was at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin in June '07 and didn't see mention of it. I can only assume they didn't go ahead with it.

  3. Yes, I know the stuff you mean, it was called 'bru' or 'bro' and it was very nice, but the bar staff didn't know how to serve it. Blonde beer needs a large head, with lots of froth (sorry if this sounds a bit dirty!) and should also very served with a slice of lemon in it to complement the flavour.

  4. The Guinness brewery have developed a drink called Kilkenny which is to all extents and purposes a 'blonde' Guinness.

  5. I vaguely remember hearing about it!

  6. she dumped me last nite

  7. If it exists, it'd be 11 kinds of wrong

  8. I spent last night with a blonde McGuinness (Mary McGuinness) from Ballybunnion in south dublin. She is by far the best, and McGuinness was good for me.

  9. A White Guiness with a Black head was first advertised in the Guardian in the 70's. It was available on a holiday island destination called San Seriffe....


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