
Does anyone know anything about early head start??

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for an alternative to day care and Ive heard that this is a federally funded program. Any info would be great, thanks!




  1. Early Head Start is part of the federally funded Head Start program. It is for children under three. Not all Head Start agencies offer Early Head Start. The program is not well funded and it can be hard to get a child in unless there is real need. Contact the local Head Start to see if they offer it and if you qualify.

  2. no , i dont know.

  3. in Florida head start is for low income parents and it's completely free, in my opinion it's not the prefect setting for your child i would rather go to ( ccc) coordinated child care which will give you a scholarship and you can enroll your child in any nice preschool that takes ccc

  4. Daycare with computer education would give the kids a head start, and you can ask the parents to fund it and increase your income!

  5. yes ...there are three situations I am aware of...

    1. CHild Development class...However, the child usually has to take a test and then they have to fail the test...

    2. If your child has any sort of disablitlity...speech, medical (ADHD, sickle cell. etc) they might be able to qualify as preschooler with a disablility...

    3. Some schools have the two classes listed above and they are looking for peers who the other students can learn appropriate school behavior from

  6. Head Start usually has one center for kids in about 3 counties. they have excellent opportunities and since it is run by the federal gov, these centers are very nice and have alot of resources. in north carolina, the head start has buses that pick up and drop off kids at home. it is a program for low-income families, but im not sure if its completely free? the program here goes from 8:00-2:30 and alot of our high school students intern there.

    go to their website to get more info:

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