
Does anyone know anything about france being kicked out of the six nations (in rugby) in 1932??

by  |  earlier

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its for my french AS ORAL exam and i have to scale down my topic. i was wondering if there was a lot of information about this topic. thank you




  1. They were kicked out in 1931 as some of their players were paid and at the time it was purely an amatuer competition. Check out the 6 nations history web site listed below.

  2. Yeah they did indeed get banned from taking part in the then 5 nations (no italy then) because of the teams bad and violent behavior the previous year.  This left the fans with a vacuum of sport, which allowed the then very limited sport of French Rugby League to flourish, and gain popularity, with English tours of the country. The french liked the working class origins of Rugby League and it remained popular even after the French Rugby Union team was reanstated into the 5 nations, much to the displeasure of the Union committee.

    This situation of animosity towards what was seen as the young upstart of rugby continued until 1939/40 when under the n**i supported Vichy government, the rugby Union (who had many supporters in the new facist government) managed to make Rugby League illegal. Assets were confiscated and teams forcably broken up for socialist activities.

    This is why in France the name of the game is still The Thirteen Man Game, it is still illegal to call it Rugby.

  3. Yes they were banned from the championship between 1932 and 1939 for being professional, on field violence and poor administration and played aginst lower teams such as Germany.

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