
Does anyone know anything about frost free freezers

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i noticed last night my ice cream was soft and my ice cubes were melting so i took all of my stuff out of the freezer and there was ice built up in side of it well it is a frost free so after taking the ice off the one side i but all the stuff back in it and turned it up and on the frig it said give 24hr. before freezer gets to desired temp, so i get up this morn and its still soft and ice was still wet so i just now took all stuff out put in in cooler and turned k**b to freezer all the way off thinking if i let freezer thaw out all the way it might melt ice built up inside behind freezer walls does any one have any ideas of what i can do?




  1. If it is an older model, try the following...

    Pull the fridge out and vacuum/clean the coils on the back of the fridge.

    It is crazy how dirty these things can get!

    If it still does not get cold enough to keep things frozen, you may have to get it charged with freon, like we do our air conditioners!  Not too expensive, but I would clean it first!

  2. You are on the right track but I would go a step further and empty it,unplug it,and leave the doors on it open for a day to completely rid the frost.There is frost and ice build uo on the coil that you cannot see.This will do the trick.

    I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with your box,this happens even with a frost free box once every blue moon.Usage,high humidity,and bad door gaskets are the likely cause.Good luck.

  3. A frost-free freezer used an internal pressure/water system to keep the walls, floor and ceiling of your freezer free of damaging frost. These freezers use a combination of freeon and water that circulates constantly through a series of tubes and resevoirs - moving water keeps the plastic parts of your freezer from building up condensation that could freeze. With a manual freezer you have to defrost it yourself about once every other month to keep the frost away.

    Frost free freezers are the industry norm these days - it is rare to find one that is not. The pros are that you don't have empty your freezer once every other month, stand in it with a hand held hair dryer and chip away at ice. The con's are there are more parts on these freezers for something to go wrong (however the freezer usually burns out over time long before the freeon dries up). The pros of the manual are they use less energy and generally get much colder than frost free units.

    The cost is not much different - overall the frost free is the way to go unless you are storing things like whole sides of beef, deer, or other game. If you have a vested interest in keeping more than 100 pounds of meat at time then conventional upright frost free freezers are the way to go.

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