
Does anyone know anything about the assassination plot against the president in Zimbabwe?

by  |  earlier

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i just needed a plain and simple reason as to why they are doing this or what led up to this incident

if you have any other information on this news that would be great....the articles im reading are WAY to confusing and not really made for people who do not know Zimbabwe's history




  1. its not agaisnt the presidency but a candidate. Robert Mugabe has been president since 1980 and is loosing his grip on the presidency as shown through the latiest poll voting and it has been said that he has assasinated other presidency candidates during his time to keep himself in power. So basically its all about money and power.

  2. It is all because of the election. Mugabe has lost the elections. Everybody knows that. He refuses that the results be released because he lost. He then demanded a recount without releasing the results. Again, refused to release the results of the recount. He lost the presidency and he is holding on to power just like a pure dictator does. There has been some reports of members of the opposition party being killed/hunted down. I didn't hear about an assassination plot against Mugabe. If it happens though it is the best thing that can happen. Mugabe is bad and need to go away.

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